Tag Archives: Co-operative Learning

What in earth????

Last week p7 in science were investigating the structure of the earth.

We researched the different layers of the earth’s structure.

We found out there are 4 different layers.  The inner core is the hottest part of the earth, outer core still extremely hot. Mantle, the thickness of the mantle is 2900km thick and the crust is the thinnest layer.  It is the layer we live on and is between 50-60 km thick.

We decided to make plasticine models of the structure of the earth.  We even tried to match up the continents on the crust!


Inside the models they were different colours representing each layer, inner core,outer core, mantle, crust. We cut the models in half to see the inside of the earth.


This is what it looked like after.


We made labels from our research that gave  information about each layer.


If you want to learn about each layer, go on the websites we went on…….WHY NOT!?








or…..if you learn better through music, how about testing your knowledge with this song…

Blogged by Beth Kinroy and Lucas Stenhouse


This week P7 went to Sky Academy and had a SPECTACULAR time!



P7 made their own news report with the help of the Sky Academy team.

We have been using our listening, teamwork, co-operation and being a responsible citizen and representing Bankton Primary School.

P7  want to thank all the Sky Academy staff who trusted us with their expensive equipment, such as their £60,000 cameras and also their editing computers.

Special thanks to our helpers,Chris,Camy,Leanne and Alan!!!!!


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P7 had their own tour around Sky so when they are older they will know choices there are for jobs there.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU SKY ACADEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogged by Conner Douglas-Martin, Liam Leadbetter & Niamh Shaw

Fairyland Restored!

Happy Easter to everyone from Mrs Lloyd and P1b.

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P1b were delighted to receive a letter from the dragon today thanking them for the wallpaper that they worked alongside P1a to design.  The children worked together in mixed teams to share ideas and resources and to design some fairytale wallpaper to brighten up the friendly dragons new castle.  The dragon loved the wallpaper and sneaked into school last night to collect it.  He has already hung it up in the castle and the gingerbread man has already popped by to have a peek!  Doesn’t it look fantastic?!

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Huffing and Puffing in P1b!

This week there was a lot of huffing and puffing in P1b and it wasn’t from the boys and girls!!  It was the big bad wolf (AKA Mrs Lloyd with a hairdryer) trying to blow down the houses that the children had planned and then built in their technology groups!  Each group worked together and displayed great group skills – sharing resources, listening to each other and working together.  Some of the houses withstood the force but the big bad wolf did manage to blow down a couple!  The children really enjoyed this experience and made good predictions about which houses would stay standing and which ones would get blown down.  Afterwards they thought about what they would do better next time to improve the strength of their builds.  Good work P1b!  IMG_1006 IMG_1005 IMG_1004 IMG_1002 IMG_1013 IMG_1011 IMG_1010 IMG_1009 IMG_1008 IMG_1007


Happy New Year

It was lovely to see all the children back after the Christmas holidays.  P1b were very keen to share all of their holiday news and have been working very hard already this week.  They have impressed me with brilliant sounding out in their writing work, greating adding when playing games in maths and have been trying hard to form their letters correctly in our new lined handwriting jotters.  The boys and girls had great fun in the structured play area where they worked round a variety of different activities including jigsaw building, listening to stories on the new listening centre, building models with the construction materials and role-playing in the ‘toy shop’.  What a busy first few days back!

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The Big Bad Wolf Arrived in P1a!

This week, P1a worked hard to finish their technology projects.  Their target was to plan, design and then build a house for one of the three little pigs which would withstand the big bad wolf (aka Mrs Lloyd with a hairdryer) huffing and puffing to blow it down.  After predicting which houses would stay standing and which would fall we tested them out and noted down the results.  The big bad wolf was getting more and more annoyed as she only managed to blow down one house!  Lots of good teamwork and problem solving skills have developed over the course of the project and the children should be proud of their work throughout the whole process.  Here are some pictures which show the finished houses and us testing them out!

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Technology Project Well Under Way

First of all, thank you very much to all the parents who have been raiding their blue bins and collecting their junk items in order to help us with our technology project.  We have collected an impressive amount and this has enabled the children to experiment with lots of different sizes and shapes when planning and designing their houses.  The building of the houses for daddy pig is now well under way and the children are developing their team work skills in order to construct their houses which they hope will be strong enough to withstand the big bad wolf (aka Mrs Lloyd with a hairdryer!).  Here are some photos which let you see the children hard at work.

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Wonderful Wellbeing @ Bankton

Pupils from across all stages of the school have been working in vertical groups this week with a focus on the Wellbeing Indicators. Everyone has enjoyed meeting new people and making new friends within each group. Mrs. Ferguson and I have particularly enjoyed working with children from all classes.

Health and Wellbeing is EVERYONE'S responsibility @ Bankton


We have developed lots of different skills co-operatively in groups to decide what each of the wellbeing indicators look like in OUR SCHOOL.

Some groups used ipads for filming video clips and raps while others made spinners, had quizzes and made up Acrostic Poems. Teachers and pupils are looking forward to developing these groups as part of our ‘Thinking Thursdays’ this term and next.

Many thanks to Mrs. Reilly, our talented PSW who worked with pupils to co-ordinate our Wellbeing display. We hope you will stop to read our speech bubbles on Parents’ Evening!

