For World Book Day the morning nursery children visited a local shop where they all purchased a book using their World Book Day voucher.
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Primary 4 update!
As it is Fair trade Fortnight, we went along to the local Sainsbury’s store for a Fair trade treasure hunt! We searched the store for as many Fair trade products as we could! We looked out for the Fair trade logo and we took a photograph of the different items we could find and added it to our list.
‘I enjoyed working together with my group.’ Beth K
‘It was really fun and it was really enjoyable as well.’ Euan
‘Our group found 14 different items with the Fair trade logo on it.’ Sommer
‘Now I know what the Fair trade logo looks like and I drew a picture of this when I went home to show my mum.’ Josh
‘My group found that Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream is Fair trade.’ Ciara
We dressed up as our favourite characters on World Book Day and we visited the Lanthorn for a special service with other primary four classes from nearby schools. We had to select a song to sing and we selected ‘Build Up.’ We also had a few speakers from our class who shared some of their favourite stories.
‘At the Lanthorn we heard that the bible has lots of stories in it.’ Deacon
‘There was a box with stuff in it and when we picked something out it reminded Rev. Hine about different stories and he told us them.’ Arran.
‘I really liked how some of the children told us about some stories we had never heard before.’ Lily
We have been learning about internet safety and this week our focus was cyber bullying. ‘If somebody annoys you online then you should tell your mum and dad.’ Sophie
‘We have started to make an internet safety pamphlet to let people know how they can stay safe online.’ Laurie-Anne
‘ We have been learning about the SMART tips for internet safety and T is for Tell. Tell a responsible adult if someone is mean.
In maths this week we have been focusing on division. We now know what the sign looks like and we have been sharing equally and recording our calculations. Our times tables can really help us here!
‘Division needs to have the big number first and then the smaller number.’ Niamh
‘To check you have the right answer you can swap it backwards using your times tables.’ Kalanah
Thank you for reading!
Fairtrade Fortnight
Another wonderful week of learning in Primary 4
We have been carrying out a lot of research for our castles topic. This week we researched different parts of the castle and worked in groups to produce posters about what we have learned. We had to make sure that we make sure that everyone participated and supported each other with this task. It was important to listen to the ideas of everyone in the group and we all had different roles to perform. The posters are very informative and also have bright, colourful sketches too.
In maths we have started to look at time. We made our own analogue clocks, which we have been using for lots of fun time games and we have looked at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. We know that there are 24 hours in a day and that we use am and pm to help us too.
The title of our imaginative writing task this week was A Princess in Peril and we had to make sure that it had a clear beginning, middle and end. Everyone worked hard to make sure that they included VCOP in their work.
Today we had a Fairtrade assembly about bananas. We learned about the journey of the banana from farms to stores and the important people who are involved in making this happen.
‘I learned that in the Great Hall table cloths were made out of different materials.’ Katie
‘I have learned about the dungeons because there were no pillows and there were no lights.’ Daryl
‘I learned that a dungeon is a small, airless cell.’ Kalanah
‘ I leanred that am is in the morning and that pm is after noon until midnight.’ Conner
‘I learned that dungeons were undergroud.’ Beth M
‘We listened to the bible story of Jacob and Esau and htat God was angry with Esau for giving up his birthright so easily.’ Alex
‘Esau got his name becuase that was their word for red and he was red and hairy when he was born.’ Laurie-Anne
‘ We worked in partners to research and sequence the steps to becoming a knight.’ Ciara
Primary 4
P6 have had visits from the Tobacco Education Team. We wanted to share some of the shocking and frightening things we have been learning about smoking and cigarettes.
- Cigarettes have between 4000 and 5000 chemicals in them.
- If you smoke, your lungs eventually turn black.
- When you smoke, the air sacks in your lungs fill up with tar.
- When you smoke, your fingers turn yellow.
- If you smoke, other people in your house breathe in the smoke which is called ‘second hand smoke’.
- Tobacco companies try lots of things to get young people interested in smoking like designing packets that are like gadgets and with cigarettes that have a nice taste to start with.
- Smoking can cause lots of different cancers.
- If you smoke it negatively affects every part of your body.
- Smoking can cause blindness.
- The chemicals in cigarettes are things that are also found in bleach, batteries, nail varnish remover, gases (!)
Primary 4 Weekly Review
This week we have been learning about the different jobs that were required in a castle. There could be as many as 150 servants working in a castle. We researched the different duties servants had and also considered the skills that an individual would need to carry out the job properly. We wrote a job advert for some of these jobs. We also made a collage of the different servants of the castle.
We had a visit from Mrs Ferguson, during our writing time and she was very impressed with our hard work!
Today we had a fantastic Scottish Assembly, where our classmates performed poems, songs and played musical instruments. It was super!
In maths we have been learning about arrays and have explored the different ways we can lay out counters in rows and columns. Our work in arrays has helped us to calculate the area of a shape.
‘I have learned that arrays can help us with area.’ James
‘I learned that knights at the age of seven went to a castle and had to train for fourteen years to become a knight.’ Jaime
‘I have learned that the Easter bunny doesn’t give the eggs for nothing.’ Kian
‘The Easter egg shows us how the rock went away from the cave and we roll eggs.’ Emma
‘I have learned about Christianity and Judaism. The Jewish one believes in God and not Jesus.’ Daryl
‘Christianity and Judaism have some differences and similarities. Christians think the founder was Jesus.’ Euan
‘I have learned in Christianity they have a Good Friday. They call it Good Friday because Jesus did a good thing and then he died.’ Conner
Thank you for reading and please leave us a comment!
Primary 4
Gung Hei Fat Choy
The Nursery children celebrated Chinese New Year at music through dance and a Chinese snack in the Nursery.
P5a Update
P5 are enjoying learning about Mary Queen of Scots and we have been writing about what we would do if we were King or Queen. Carrie suggested she would ban cars and have horses and carriages instead. Steven would like to increase the age for playing certain computer games. We have designed our own emblems uniting Scotland and France.
We love learning about electricity and are enjoying making our own circuits.
We have also looked at different creation stories and have mixed ideas about which one is true.
Primary 4 Weekly Review
We have started learning about the important stories in Christianity and Judaism. We looked at the differences between these two world religions. The place of worship for Christians is called the church.The place of worship for Jewish people is called the synagogue.
We have been working hard on our castles topic. We researched why castles were built and when they were first built in the UK. We also had to decide where we would build a castle and give our reasons for this. We shared this together and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each location. This week we were also working in a small group to discuss and sort the strengths and weaknesses of a motte and bailey castle. Did you know these could be built in just a few weeks?
Our imaginative writing task this week was to write about a time travel trip to a castle. We had to write an interesting story with a beginning. middle and end. We used lots of wonderful wow words to describe our setting.
Also this week we have been learning about alliteration. This is where the same sounds or letters are together in a few of the words in a sentence to make it more interesting! We wrote some tongue twisters using alliteration! Here is an example of one of these- Racing Robertrolls rubbers!
Our health topic is internet safety and we have found out that if you get an e-mail from someone you don’t know, delete it! It might have a virus! We worked hard to create a display for our dining hall, which shares some more important tips that we have learned!
It has been a fun and busy week!
P7a – End of Week Update!
This week we have been writing newspaper articles about the outbreak of WW2. We have been editing our work and will be ready to begin our good copies next week.
We have begun to watch the Britons at War DVD and are learning a lot of facts about the war. We are enjoying it and are looking forward to watching the next episode after we have finished writing this blog entry!!
In music we have been practising for Sign2Sing and the whole school are looking forward to wearing their scarves and singing in the great hall in February.
Burns day is on the 25th January (tomorrow) and P7 are working hard to learn their poems. We are working towards performing our poems in class before the final in the great hall on the 7th of February.
In reading we have moved up the ladder in Blooms Taxonomy and are now looking at analysing. We started reading our new class novel ‘Waiting for Anya’ and used the analysing section to compose our own questions. Some good results were achieved.
Well done to the buddies of the week: Sarah A and Daryl.
Star Writers of the Week: Naomi, Kamil and Cameron
Fact of the Week:
During the war the blackout was when people had to keep their curtains closed and keep out any light so that the German bombers could not target them.