Category Archives: Primary 6

The Busiest 3 Days Ever!

Peer mediators (PMs) carried out some training on how to listen and solve problems in the playground. We will be starting up soon.    Euan

This week we worked on identifying different types of maps. An ordinance map is used by cyclists and people who like to walk.    Amy

Today we were learning about the Eatwell Plate. We made a power point about it.   Jaime

We have been learning about the countries in Europe. Our new topic is Europe!    Daryl

Christmas Writing

In class we are writing a Christmas story for the nursery children .The story is about an unexpected visitor who tries to ruin Christmas. It is split into different sections. We had to also make a door and our character which we made out of different materials. Although this story is challenging to write it is lots fun.

By Bloggers Ben Torres and Abbie Black.


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P6 Write About the Learning Pit

P6 have been busy learning about the learning pit. We wrote a description of what the learning pit means to us, then we voted on the best description. We chose Beth.K, Arran and Kalanah’s. Here it is……

The learning pit is a place where it helps you learn and gets you out of a hard situation. When you are stuck in the learning pit you might feel frustrated, confused, annoyed, sad, angry, miserable or depressed. You may have a feeling that you have hit rock bottom and you can’t do it, but all you have to think is “I can’t do it…YET!”

You can use strategies to get out of the learning pit. Things like asking a friend, using surroundings, WAGOLL (what a good one looks like), us the 4Bs (brain, boards/boxes/books, buddy, boss), thinking or asking a teacher.

You need to use a growth mindset to think, not a fixed one because you need to keep trying and trying. There are lots of sayings to help you get out of the pit. For example, “the learning pit will lead you to success” and “it’s ok not to know but it’s not ok not to try.”


Bubblegum and Fluff

What? We hear you cry!

That’s what we thought until Darren and his fantastic team from the Lanthorn came along this afternoon to work with all the Primary 6s.

We learned that the ‘bubblegum’ is the true meaning of Christmas which can get lost with all the extra ‘fluff’ such as shopping, decorations etc.

We created our own tile with our chosen Christmas symbol and a number of children dressed up to help retell the Christmas story.

Have a look and see what you think!

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This week in P6….

P6 had great fun at their St Andrews Day Ceilidh on Monday night. Many thanks to all those who attended.

“We got revenge on our parents for making us tidy our room and making us eat shepherds pie by making them join in ceilidh dances!!”  Alex P6

“It was fun singing on the stage.”  Kalanah P6

“My Mum almost threw me into the crowd when we were dancing!” Euan P6

We started writing a Christmas book for children in the nursery. Watch our blog next week for an update on this.

We learnt all about the Learning Pit with Mrs Hocknull on Friday. It helps us learn and gives us strategies when we don’t know what to do.

St Andrew’s Day Ceilidh Event

What a busy week for P6! Monday evening saw us present our annual ceilidh event. The children presented their learning about who St Andrew was, how he became a saint and what we can be proud about Scotland for. We sang ‘Caeledonia’, ‘Half the World Away’ and a firm favourite ‘500 miles’. Witnesses did see Mrs Stewart reach for he hankies but this is still to be confirmed!

After our presentation we showcased our highland dancing – then invited our parents and carers to join in. It was really good fun and we received lots of positive feedback from everyone!

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Competition Winners!

Congratulations to our anti-bullying / kindness week competition winners! Everyone worked hard to create high quality posters to celebrate our positive attitudes towards kindness. Mrs Stewart had a VERY difficult job but decide she did…

Well done to Beth Kinroy P6, Amy McMillan P6, Eilidh Gray P7a & Emese Gupcsi P7a!

Your posters will soon be on their way to the printers to become banners which will hang proudly @ Bankton.






We made tartan kilts during golden time. It was very messy!!    Alex


We made growth mindset phrases and had to rap them in our groups.   Daryl


We have been practising hard for our St Andrews Day assembly. We look forward to seeing you on Monday….   Sophie


We went to the Lanthorn on Tuesday and did an assembly for 4 other schools.    Euan

The choir went to Lanthorn to sing for elderly people from Woodlands.    Katie

This week is anti bullying week. We are calling it Happiness week. If someone does something kind, we put it on the random act of kindness wall. We also made an anti bullying poster. Four of these will be chosen for our school foyer.   Beth.K


Everyone carried out RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness) for the children in our class – how kind you are P6!! Mrs M x