Category Archives: Nursery

Last Day of Health Week

The nursery children were lucky today to join in with the school children in their Shake and Wake session with Miss Dyet. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this activity and some children even managed to get up to the front of the stage.

The nursery children were then all active during their outdoor classroom visit around the local pond. We were lucky enough to have an extra healthy snack donated from Morrisons.

Hanzel & Gretel

This week the nursery children have been focusing on personal safety through the story of Hanzel & Gretel. This story was introduced to the children by following a trail of pebbles to the story which they enjoyed listening to. The children enjoyed listening to the story through different version on the iPad. On our outdoor classroom we left a trail of breadcrumbs for our friends to find their way back to the nursery.

Although some ducks started eating them as we dropped them.

Health Week

As part of Health Week primary 6 and 6/7 set up a potted sport event for the nursery children to take part in. There were different stations to develop the children’s rolling, throwing and balancing skill. The school children showed the nursery children what they had to do at each station.

Frog in the Nursery

This morning there was a lot of excitement as the children found a frog in  the nursery garden. It was hiding under a big log they moved.

Yazmine said “It had black stripes.”

Noah said ” It jumped away as Maxwell tickled it.”

Maxwell said ” I just wanted to it for it to jump away.”

The children had already spent a lot of time looking over at the log

where the were observing slug and wood louse.


This month the nursery children have been learning about different life cycles. They have had the opportunity to see this taking place by having caterpillars in the nursery. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and many have shown them to the parents when they come in to the nursery.

Unfortunately one of the butterflies had not came out of its cocoon when we released them so we left it beside the plants in the hope that it will survive.


This week the nursery staff were informed that there were cygnets at the Lanthorn Pond so we had to go with the children to investigate this.

We then went up to the big pond to feed the ducks but we could only see the daddy ducks. We think the mummy ducks must be very busy.

We even managed to practice for sports day with races at the kick pitch.

Froggy Pond

Today the morning children visited the Froggy Pond to look for Tadpoles but sadly we could not see any.

They had great fun playing in the woods just before the Froggy Pond

And even managed races on the BMX track before climbing up the big hill.

Pyjama Day

The nursery children had the opportunity to wear their pyjamas to nursery to promote The Big Bedtime Read. We visited the library where the children choose 2 books to take home and they listened to stories back in the nursery.

The children had lots of fun playing in their pyjamas.

Nursery Roleplay

This week the nursery children had the opportunity to play imaginatively with raw vegetables, uncooked pasta and pulses in the housecorner.

After the children enjoyed the experience of cutting the vegetables they decided to open a restaurant/ cafe. The children made their own menus for this and decided how much the items would cost.

We even managed a little trip to a real cafe.