Category Archives: Nursery

Playing in the snow

The nursery children had lots of fun playing in the snow. They enjoyed playing on the sledge down the small hill and even managed to make a small snowman. Some even went in to the Primary 1 playground to go through the Willow Tunnel.



Magic Mac

The nursery children enjoyed watching Magic Mac today in the nursery. They observed him do lots of tricks and helped him with his magic word “Merry Christmas “. He even had a few volunteers to help him.

We would like to say a big Thank You to the Parent and Staff Association.

Getting ready for Christmas

This week the nursery children have enjoyed getting ready for Christmas with Santa’s workshop and sleigh. We have had visits from Elf on the Shelf and the children have enjoyed finding him when they first come in to the nursery. We ended this week with a visit to Almondvale Shopping Centre to buy a present for Santa and have a photograph taken by the Christmas Tree and were lucky enough to see Santa.



Trip to the Woods

This week the nursery children had the opportunity to spend the Nursery session at the Lanthorn Woods. Many children enjoyed spending time in the little stream, climbing trees and playing at the toadstools. They had some tomato soup to warm them up. We all enjoyed our time up there even the staff.

Visit to the woods

This week the nursery children in both sessions visited the woods at the Lanthorn Pond to hide monkey nuts for the squirrels. We will go back next week to check if there is any left.

Some of the squirrels were even seen watching while we were hiding them.

Spotty Walk

This week the morning nursery children joined the primary school children for their Spotty Walk to raise money for Children in Need. The children from Primary 6 came and walked with the children talking to them as the walked around the area close to the school.

We then went and had a little play at the park while the primary school children continued back to school to get on with their school work.

We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations.


Today the nursery children had a visit form Lisa and her friend Dexter from Childsmile. This was to talk to the children about the fluoride varnishing some children will have next week and she used Dexter the puppet to demonstrate this on. The children listened well to the information shared with them and some children could remember gettin it done previously in nursery.