All posts by Mrs Sutherland

Nursery Snow Day Fun!

We hope you are all having a fun and safe snow day!  As you know we really like getting out and about in all weathers so here are some things you could do if you are out in the snow today and tomorrow:


  1.  Look for animal footprints in the snow, also look at and compare your family’s footprints.  Use size words and look at shoe patterns.
  2. Catch a snowflake and look at it carefully – talk about what you can see.
  3. Go sledging – who can go furthest on the sledge?
  4. Build a snow man, count out 5 buttons, measure it’s height compared to yours, make a small, medium and large snowman.
  5. Use a stick to write your name in the snow, draw a snow picture (if you’re quick enough before the snow fills it in again!!)


If you prefer to stay inside enjoy some family fun:

  1.  Make a bird feeder – here is a useful link for ideas –
  2. Play games using dice – practise recognising the dice patterns without counting.
  3. Help make some hot chocolate or even the lunch / dinner – practise spreading and cutting – talk about what you are doing.
  4. Remember tomorrow is world book day – read stories together and talk about what happens.
  5. Make play dough and build an indoor snowman –


Most of all have fun with your family and we would love to see some pictures on your Learning Journals of your snow day antics!!

The Olympics

This term P3 are learning about the Olympics in Brazil.  With a partner we researched some information about Brazil using the internet.  We have looked at Vinicius and Tom, the Olympic and Paralympic mascots.  Vinicius is a mix of all the animals in the Amazon so we designed  our own Brazilian mascots using the animals too.  We are going to write stories about our mascot’s adventures.


We have used oil pastels to illustrate the Olympic torch and we made Olympic ring paper chains.



Now Lewis is looking forward to writing about his mascot’s adventures around the world.  A.J. would like to make a paper Olympic torch.  Jack is looking forward to finding out more about the Olympic rings and what they mean.  Katelyn is looking forward to meeting Liam Davie, the champion gymnast and Darcy would like to learn more about all of the Olympic sports.  Everyone is excited about our new topic.

A Dinosaur Adventure

After reading Meg’s Eggs the nursery children decorated dinosaur eggs of their own.

Can you believe it???  Over the last week several of the eggs have HATCHED!!!

Kian, Ryan, Charlie, Chloe and Lauren woke up to find that they are now the proud mummies and daddies of some very cute baby dinosaurs!

Ryan’s dinosaur even brought a treat for him and Kian.

Emily the Dinosaur


Chinese New Year

Over the last two weeks we have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.  The children listened to the story about the animals racing to see who would have the first year named after them and they participated in craft activities to make lanterns and dragons.  Everyone loved doing the dragon dance and enjoyed dancing while Rong Rong played her Chinese guitar.


Dressing up in Chinese costumes.
Taking part in a dragon dance.
Learning a Chinese song and working on keeping time.


Making Chinese lanterns.
Making Chinese lanterns.
Chinese New Year experiences.
Taking part in a dragon dance.
Trying chop sticks.
Trying chop sticks.