All posts by Mrs Lloyd

Measuring Success in P1/2!

P1/2 have been working hard in maths this week.  We have been working on a pirate maths task which involved us in recording results in a tally chart which we then used to make a bar chart.  We also worked on estimating the length of some objects before measuring them with cubes and lolly sticks.  While doing all of this we also revised our number stories to 9 and used lots of different materials to help us do this!

In Science, we learnt about living things, non-living things and things that were once alive.  We practised our co-operations skills and worked in groups to cut out pictures and sort them under the correct headings.  We also looked at the life cycle of a chicken and worked in teams to create super lifecycle pictures!

We finished off our super detailed pirate portraits and had fun in the structured play area where we were creative at the art table, played with the pirate ships and pretended to be pirates burying treasure!

Keep up the good work me hearties!!

Pirating Around in P1/2!

P1/2 enjoyed some pirate fun in the structured play area this week.  The boys and girls enjoyed dressing up as pirates, building pirate ships with the duplo, completing pirate jigsaws, drawing pirate pictures and playing with the toy pirate ships!  It was great fun and everyone worked hard to practise the skills of listening, turn taking and sharing.  Well done!

In maths, we have been working on linking lots of our maths skills together to work out lots of different word problems.  It was a bit tricky at first but we are getting better at it!  We also practised sequencing numbers to 20, sharing objects equally, working out the missing numbers in sums by using the strategy of counting on and working out the different number stories of 9.

In literacy, we revised our knowledge of the vowel house sounds.  We practised some of the tricky sounds and thought about some ways to help us remember them.  We used Mrs Lloyd’s post it notes to write the sounds and match them with the pictures.

As part of our values program, Darren from the Lanthorn church came to speak to us about co-operation.  He left lots of activities for us to have a go at so that we could practise our co-operation skills.

Another hard working week P1/2.  Well done and keep it up!

P1/2 – Back in the Swing!

Primary 1/2 had a super busy week last week.  We discovered something very interesting in the playground.  It was a treasure chest that was full of pirate treasure and a treasure map.  We had a think and thought that maybe some pirates had visited Bankton and left it for us.  We are very excited about our new pirate topic!

In maths, we were thinking about different ways to make 8.  We tried adding two and three numbers together and used cubes to help us.

We also practised sharing out objects equally between two and four groups.  We had to make sure that our sharing was fair!

In Literacy, we impressed Mrs Lloyd with our reading and sounding out skills and also practised the vowel house sounds.

In Science, we thought about animals which lay eggs and worked in groups to share our thoughts on which animals lay eggs.  We then watched a video clip to see if we were right!

It was great to catch up with everyone again after the holidays and P1/2 settled right back into working hard as we are now practising P2’s and P3’s.  Well done!

Sensational Symmetry in P1/2!

What a lovely maths session we had today learning all about symmetry.  P1/2 worked very hard and enjoyed a variety of activities including colouring symmetrical butterflies, making symmetrical patterns with numicon and lego, colouring and making symmetrical easter eggs, completing symmetrical patterns on the smartboard and using counters to make symmetrical patterns.  Everyone worked really hard and enjoyed our very practical maths session today!  Good work everyone!

A big well done to P1/2 for winning the Goblet of Good Manners trophy this week.  We collected an impressive 32 post its!

Happy Easter from P1/2!


Happy Easter from P1/2

This last week before the easter holidays has been very busy for P1/2.  In maths, we have worked on subtraction and using a number line to subtract.  We have been working hard to think about our learning intention and to agree the steps to success.  We enjoyed working at our new working wall table and commenting and discussing on our learning, focussing on what we are good at and our next steps in learning.  To help us we have drawn our own number lines and used these to help us work out subtraction sums.

We have trialled some relaxation activities this week to help us focus better.  We have enjoyed listening carefully and following the instructions.

We were very lucky again to have Olivia’s gran give up her time to come in and read us stories.  We love having some of our grandparents in the class reading to us and hope that we will have more volunteers next term!  Thank you so much to all our helpers this term.

As we are heading towards the easter holidays we practised our cutting skills to make these cute chicks.  We had to concentrate hard to cut carefully and really impressed Mrs Lloyd!

Happy Easter to everyone!

Fraction Fanatics in P1/2!

This week P1/2 have been revising all of the sounds we have learned and we have also been working on the vowel house, sorting the pictures into the correct places and practising writing the sounds for each section of the vowel house.  We have also been looking at ordering the letters of the alphabet, rolling sound dice and working out if it makes a real word or not (win it or bin it) and we made sentences using our velcro word mats.

In maths, we have continued to practise our adding and subtraction.  We also learned about fractions this week and know that to cut something in half you need to cut it into two equals pieces and to cut something into quarters you need to cut it into four equal pieces.  We made our own paper cookies and chose to cut them into either halves or quarters, we did a good job!

We even used lolly sticks to make tally marks to make different numbers.  Conor and Chloe took on the tricky challenge and chose numbers up to 20 to make!  Well done!

What’s the Time P1/2?

This week, P1/2 have been practising reading o’clock times on both analogue and digital clocks.  We are getting really good at it!

We have also been practising our subtraction sums this week. We know that the bigger number has to go first in a take away sum.  Look at how clever we are!

We enjoyed practising ordering our numbers and revising our number stories of 7.

In our sounds work we have been using our sounds to make and spell words, practising saying and ordering the letters of the alphabet and have been working on generating words that rhyme with ‘at’.

Part of our homework choices this week was to help someone at home with a bit of gardening and to plant some flowers.  Amy brought in some super pictures of her busy in the garden which she enjoyed sharing with the rest of the class.  Great job!  Also, Feliks brought in a photo of him with the beanstalk which he planted in class.  He has obviously been looking after it really well as it is growing really tall now.  Well done!

Great work Primary 1/2.  Well done!

Mathematicians and Scientists in P1/2!

This week P1/2 have enjoyed revising their number stories of 6 and 7.  The boys and girls have been practising working independently and have been impressing Mrs Lloyd!

We also planned out a science experiment to explore seeds being grown in different conditions.  We planted five seeds and predicted which seeds will grow and which ones wont.  We have some of the seeds in the dark in the cupboard and some of the seeds are on the window ledge – some will be watered and some will not be watered.  We are going to keep an eye on these to see which of our predictions are correct.

Finally, thank you again to Chloe Snape’s gran who kindly gave up her time to come and read to some of the boys and girls in P1/2.  The children throughly enjoy hearing stories and learning new vocabulary from the stories and we really appreciate you coming in to work with us.


Wonderful World Book Day in P1/2

Another fun filled week in P1/2.  In maths this week we have been working on the number stories of 6 and 7 and have been using cubes and counters to help us to work out the missing numbers in sums.

We received a letter from Sir Helpalot who has asked us to build him a strong castle.  After discussion in the class, P1/2 came up with the idea of building castle models to help keep him safe.  He also left us a clue and after a while we managed to work out that he wanted us to read Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We read the story and had lots of fun in the structured play area around the theme.

We had super fun on world book day and enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters as well as talking about why we like bedtime stories, voting on our favourite fairytale and reading books in the library.  We also had an extra special treat when P5/6 came down to read to us.  It was so much fun!

What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

P1/2 have been busy thinking about all the different Fairytales we know to help us plan a display in time for World Book Day.  We started work on some of the different parts of our display and had great fun making knights to guard the castle, designing our own gingerbread men, sketching the big bad wolf, making leaves for a beanstalk, making some of the different characters from the story and designing our own dragons.

While we were busy with our art work we were really lucky to have Olivia’s gran come in to read us stories in the library corner.  We enjoyed having you read to us and thank you very much for taking the time to come in and visit us.

In maths we have been learning to read o’clock times and to set the hands on a clock to show different o’clock times.  We even noticed some o’clock times on our classroom clock afterwards!

While we were learning about time, we were also revising our addition and missing number sums.  Lots of people are working really hard and producing good quality independent work.

Keep up the good work boys and girls.  I’m looking forward to seeing the finished fairytale display.