All posts by Mrs Lloyd

Happy New Year

It was lovely to see all the children back after the Christmas holidays.  P1b were very keen to share all of their holiday news and have been working very hard already this week.  They have impressed me with brilliant sounding out in their writing work, greating adding when playing games in maths and have been trying hard to form their letters correctly in our new lined handwriting jotters.  The boys and girls had great fun in the structured play area where they worked round a variety of different activities including jigsaw building, listening to stories on the new listening centre, building models with the construction materials and role-playing in the ‘toy shop’.  What a busy first few days back!

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Winter Ready in P1

Over the course of the week, please check in your child’s diary for their Glow username and password.  In the event of extreme weather which results in a school closure, a list of fun indoor and outdoor activities can be found in the useful documents section of the blog (Winter Activities 2015).  Your child can choose from the list and please note that not all activities need to be completed!

P1 Party Time!!

Primary one had a busy day last Friday with their Christmas party.  Much fun was had by all with funky dancing, party games and party food.  There was even a special visitor who popped in to say hello and deliver some presents before he had to head back to his sleigh!  The children were so polite to Santa and even sang him a few songs.  Didn’t they look good?!

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Well done to all the boys and girls in P1, 2 and 3 on your fantastic nativity performances this week.  Everyone did really well with amazing singing, narrating, acting, speaking parts and instrument playing.  You all did a great job and told the Christmas story really well, making everyone really proud. A big thank you goes out to our Primary 7 technical team who helped with the music and the lights during our performances and Mrs Smail for helping to organise all the costumes and being the official photographer!!

Here are some of the stars all dressed up in their nativity gear.   Looking good Primary 1b!



Class Talks

A big well done to P1b as last week they presented their class talks about their favourite toys which they worked on at home as part of their homework.  The class were a super audience for each other and I was very impressed with all the confident individuals who were able to use a loud and clear voice.  Lots of good questions were thought up by the audience and some detailed and well thought out answers were provided by the presenters.  Impressive work – I better watch out!!

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Successful Learners in P1b

We have been working very hard in literacy this week.  We have been working on our sounding out skills to read words and to draw pictures to show that we have read the words correctly.  Look at our fantastic work:

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We have also been using the sentence boards and have been making sentences which Mrs Lloyd dictated to us.  We did so well with this that Mrs Lloyd even asked us to make our own sentences.  We had to remember our capital letter and full stop and had to check that our sentence made sense!  We were really good at it!

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Our non-number maths work was different this week as we were working on making some arrow diagrams.  We picked this up really well and will be working more on reading arrow diagrams next week.

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Road safety was a focus this week and we practised crossing the road safely during role play in the hall.  We know not to stand too close to the kerb and know to Stop, Look and Listen before crossing.  We remembered to walk across the road and not run and we discussed the importance of wearing brightly coloured clothes so that you can be seen clearly when crossing the road.  We used what we learned to design a brightly coloured reflective coat which would allow you to be seen clearly.  Lots of bright colourful designs were produced.  Well done P1b!

Wonderful Writing in P1b

Last week we were describing autumn leaves in our writing work.  To help us with this we went out for a walk and had a look at some different types of leaves.  We worked together to think of lots of describing words to describe the leaves and came up with lots of good words like: long, short, tiny, smooth, soft, jaggy, pointy, red, brown, big, small, wet, curvy and many more!  We all worked really hard to try to sound out our words and tried to include our capital letter, full stop and finger spaces.  Here are a few photos of us looking at the leaves outside along with some examples of our writing.  Mrs Lloyd was really proud of our hard work.

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Goblet of Good Manners

Well done to P1b today who have worked hard all week on their good manners.  The school nurse even commented on how polite we were when she came in to see us!  This good work was rewarded at assembly this morning when we were awarded the Goblet of Good Manners trophy.  Well done boys and girls, keep up the good work!


Busy bees in P1b!

Yet another busy week in Primary one.

In literacy, we have been working hard to blend our sounds together to make words as well as reading and writing our tricky words.

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In maths, we have been consolidating our addition work, beginning our subtraction work and practising counting, writing and ordering the numbers up to 20.  We are getting really good at this!


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We were also lucky enough to have a visit from the SSPCA this week and we enjoyed listening to the lady telling us all about her job and showing us the equipment that she uses to help the animals that are hurt.  (Don’t worry, it’s only a pretend snake!).

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We have also begun our toys topic and have been thinking about what we already know about toys and what we would like to find out.

Keep up the good work P1b!