All posts by Mrs Sinclair

P3 Weekly Highlights

Thank you to all the parents  who were able to make it along on Friday to receive their Book Bug Bags and to see the children working on different literacy and numeracy activities related to the books for Scottish book week.    I hope you all enjoy reading the stories and using your playing cards at home.


In topic we have been learning about ‘The Inuit’ and the Inukshuk, the singular of inuksuit, means “in the likeness of a human” in the Inuit language. They are monuments made of unworked stones that are used by the Inuit for communication and survival. The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is “Someone was here” or “You are on the right path.”

In Art we designed our own Inuksuit.



Aaron K – I enjoyed drawing pictures as part of our ‘Golden Time’.

Nicole:I had lots of fun talking to my mum during book bag event.

Josh:In maths we have been learning to subtract 11 using the strategy: subtract 10 and then subtract 1 more and we had lots of fun using dienes to work out our answers.

Samantha:I enjoyed writing ‘My Magic Crayon’ story.

Maya:I loved everything in school this week.

Ryan:I enjoyed working with a partner in maths.

P.E.:We have been learning how to play badminton

Arran:I enjoyed drawing our  ‘inushuk’ pictures as part of our topic work.

Aaron:I enjoyed drawing my crayon picture as part of our book bag activities.

Roots of Empathy

We had to draw and write about a time when we were feeling sad.

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P3 Weekly Update

The highlight of our week was the multi-sports festival at James Young High School. We tried badminton, rugby, basketball, football and a mini assault course and we loved all of the activities. It was great to try so many new skills!

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Star of the Week

Joseph – for confidently talking about the strategy he used to work out an answer during ‘Number Talks’


Class Dojo Champions





We have been working on place value and we enjoyed the cone matching activity.

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P3 Weekly Update

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 3 with lots of amazing learning.

In Science, we have been learning about our senses and in particular ‘sight’.  We have been using magnifying glasses to look at different objects and we’ve discovered that they make objects bigger.

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In topic we’ve started our new topic ‘Hot and Cold’ lands and we’ve looked at different animals that live in the Arctic.

Arran – we’ve been looking at doubles and near doubles in Number Talks

Joseph- I’ve enjoyed playing on the tyres

Katie – I’ve enjoyed everything in school this week

Ayla – we used magnifying glasses in science and I discovered they make objects bigger

Star of the Week


Dojo Champions


P3: Weekly Update

Star of the Week

Andre: for making super progress in reading.

Dojo Champions so far

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We have also been learning about Growth Mindset and that it is okay to make a mistake as mistakes help us to improve and learn.

Roald Dahl Day (picture to follow)

We drew our own ‘dream jars’ and then wrote a description of it.

We have also started ‘Our Wall of Fame’.  Josh and Arran’s photos are displayed for being ‘Dojo’ Champions.  Cameron and Baillie for a super description of their dream jar as well as Andre for being ‘Star of the Week’.  (photos to follow)


P3: Maths Homework Week Beginning 12th September

A big thank-you to Katie  and Mrs Stewart for their kind words  on our class blog. I really like to hear what you have to say about the suggested websites. To show my appreciation I’ve awarded Katie  with a Dojo point.

Either blog back a reply or write an evaluation statement in your jotter.

Maths Challenge 1

Are you a Math Magician?

Maths Challenge 2

Maths Challenge 3

Hundred Square (see jotter)

P3 Homework Week Beginning 5th September

A big thank-you to Arran and Katie for their kind words  on our class blog. I really like to hear what you have to say about the suggested websites. To show myappreciation I’ve awarded you both with a Dojo point.


Try out this interactive resource.

Either blog back a reply or write an evaluation statement in your jotter.

Maths Challenge

Spelling Homework

Spelling Homework – Term 1

Directions: Please choose a different activity to complete each week. After you complete the activity, ask a parent/guardian to initial the box.   All written work is expected to be turned in neat and complete.

1. Write your words 3 times each. 2. Put your words in alphabetical order. 3. Use each word in a sentence. 4. Rainbow words: write your words in 1 colour, then trace over with different colours.
5. Use all of your words in a story. 6. Use all of your spelling words in a friendly letter. 7. Write the definition for each of your words. 8. Write your words. Circle vowels with blue and consonants with red.
9. Visit spelling Enter your words and choose a game to play. 10. Type your words 3x’s each on a computer. Print them out. 11. Find or draw pictures of your words. Glue them on paper and label the pictures. 12. Make newspaper

headlines or a poem with your spelling words.


Mrs Sinclair