All posts by Mrs Murdoch

Primary 5, 5/6, 6, 7a and 7b are Winter Ready!

winter ready

In anticipation for any snowy days, the children at Second Level are well-prepared for any closures! All children have (or will be given in the very near future) their Glow log ons, a home learning activity grid and a selection of websites you may wish your child to complete at home. The activities vary in challenge and offer a range of different approaches to the curriculum.

Paper copies of log ons, the activity grid and websites can be found in your children’s homework diaries. Or you can click here!


Have fun!

Mrs M



We have been busy practising our St Andrews assembly for next week.    Daryl


Today we listened to the story of The Dot in golden time and had to create something beautiful from a dot just like Vashti did in the story.    Ian


We have been learning about how mistakes make us feel and how they help us learn. We wrote sayings like “turn your frown upside down and keep your hopes up.”   Sophie


Next week will be mistakes week! We are going to note any mistakes we make and what we have learnt from them.   Nikkita


We have been working on chronological reports this week.   Beth.K


Next week is happiness week. We are having a competition to see who can do the best anti bullying poster. The winning poster will go in the main entrance.   Ellie

P6 have been busy again!

There was an explorer who came in with a dog called Haggis and they are walking up to the top of Scotland into the mountains to train to go to Antarctica to raise money for animal rescue charities.  Jaime

We also had the Scottish SPCA come in to teach us about how farms treat their animals and about animal cruelty. At the end we played a game which was great fun! Euan

We had a two minute silence on Wednesday to remember everyone who fought for our country. Katie

We learnt about growth and fixed mindsets. A growth mindset is when you try to improve and don’t give up. A fixed mindset is when you give up easily or think you are the best that you can be. We watched a funny video on Ormie the Pig who had a growth mindset. Watch this on You Tube at home! Nikita

P6 have been busy!

We had great fun watching the Robin Hood pantomime. It made us laugh! Daryl

I enjoyed writing spooky imaginative stories. We had to try and scare people by using frightening vocabulary. Beth.K

We created Wordle pictures to tell Mrs Hocknull all about ourselves. Alex

We learnt not to tell anyone personal details during internet safety. Harry

We also learnt not to respond to a text if you don’t know the person. Jaime.F

We all loved the Halloween disco! We played musical statues and danced.

We have been been creating Kandinsky pictures in Art. Ciara

It’s almost the holidays!

Well, Primary 6 and 7B certainly did themselves proud this morning as we said our sad but happy goodbyes to Mrs Oliver and Mrs Learmonth. The ladies have been at the school for a combined total of 32 years! We sang our special version of ‘You will retire!’ to the tune ‘You will survive!’.

We also sang Mrs Lough’s favourite song as she is off to a new school over the river 😉 in Glasgow. We sang James Bay’s ‘Hold Back the River’.

retire1 retire2 retire3 lough

Primary 6 Learning Update

What a busy week!

Rhys enjoyed watching the Harvest assembly performed by P5. It brought back memories from when he did it!

Kian loved practising and performing the anti-bullying drama his group planned and presented. We are all looking forward to watching the film of each group and those of Primary 5/6.

Shayne liked watching what the P5s got up to at Lowport. It looked like they had great fun just like Shayne did when he went.

Amy enjoyed the assembly today learning who won the House Cup – well done Almond and Leving. Come on Lanthorn and Camelot!!!!!

Sophie really enjoyed working in her group for drama – she says it was really fun!



Thanks for visiting Primary 6!

Nikita loved the Open Morning as she had fun both doing the gym activity and performing in the choir.

Harry felt it was almost like a mini sports day!

Jaime particularly liked racing her grandad in the shuttle runs – Jaime won!

Amy loved singing in the choir and especially that she helped Mrs Stewart to shed a wee tear!

Beth Mc found it fun when her mum joined in with her on the step-ups- she might have sore legs tomorrow though!

Daryl liked listening to the choir but wondered when the whole school would get to hear them.

We were pleased with all the comments from the kind parents who took time out to visit us and watch us learn.


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