All posts by Miss Rae

Big School Bird Watch

This week we submitted our results to The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds annual research.

Last Thursday afternoon and Friday morning the nursery children visited the Lanthorn woods and recorded the birds they observed.

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The children identified Pigeon, Blue Tits, Blackbirds, Starling and Gulls .

Outside Water Play

As the weather has been slightly better this week some of the nursery children had the chance to play with our new water toys outside.

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They were able to observe the different speeds the water traveled down the wooden channels in to a bucket at the bottom.


This morning some nursery children went to feed the ducks at the Lanthorn Pond


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We then walked round the pond and are beginning to notice the different birds.

The children noticed the new play park which we will continue to keep an eye on.

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Autumn Helpers

Last week in the nursery some of us went to hide nuts in the woods for the squirrels. We didn’t want to make it too easy for them so we put them in lots of different hidings places.
Hiding nuts Hiding nuts





We are looking forward to going back this week to see if they have found them. We think they will all be gone as we did notice a squirrel watching us!

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Watch this space to see how we get on and to see the rest of us hiding some more nuts.


The past few weeks in the nursery the children have been learning how to care for others. They had the opportunity to observe the life cycle of a butterfly and let them free in the nursery garden.


Solar Eclipse

The nursery children observed the Solar Eclipse using the BBC live webcam where they had the opportunity to compare the different views from Lewis, Scotland and Newllyn, England.

Charlie also brought in his Pinhole Projector in for the children to see that he made at home with his mum to ensure that he could see the Solar Eclipse safely.

DSCI0023 Charlie showing his viewer to the children

Outdoor Classroom

This week in our outdoor classroom visit the morning children had an opportunity to purchase a book using their World Book Day voucher. We then looked around the Centre for people doing something funny for money for Comic Relief.

Looking at World Book Day books
Looking at World Book Day books
Donating to Comic Relief
Donating to Comic Relief