P1a had a great Funday !!!!
We had a great fun taking part in Karate, dancing, movie time and supersoakers.
Miss Rodford and Mrs Lloyd loved soaking all the P1 children !!
‘I loved dancing’ Ryan!
‘I loved getting wet’ Taiba
P1a and P1b had a super time on their trip to Beecraigs!!
First, we walked down to see the deer, sheep and highland cows. We were lucky and got to see a baby highland cow which was only one day old! We thought that he was very sweet!
Then, we had our lunch and got to play on the grass!
Once we had finished we went to the park and had great fun playing on the slide, swing and climbing ropes.
Miss Rodford and Mrs Lloyd were very impressed with our behaviour and how well we listened !
Well done P1
This week, P1a have been busy learning how to work out word problems in maths. We have been thinking about the different words we could use for adding and subtracting. Â We have also been working on ordering and reading the days of the week and we made some super calendars.
On Thursday, we had a go at Judo and we played lots of fun games!
We have also been learning about the life cycle of a frog!
Miss Rodford would like to say a massive well done to all the P1 children for taking part in a super assembly. Everyone was really impressed with how you all learnt your lines and sang really well!
P1a have had a busy week this week. We have been practising our lines ready for next weeks assembly.
We have been writing about our P1a highlights !!
We also really enjoyed taking part in Sports Day and we ran in lots of races and took part different sports stations!
It was great fun!!!
We also learnt about the lifecycle of a frog!
Last week, P1a were busy building rafts to help save Captain Blackbeard from the desert island.
We worked well in pairs to design and build a raft! We had to think carefully about what materials would be best to make a raft that would float.
This week, we put our rafts to the test and put them in water to see which ones would  float.
All the rafts floated apart from one!
In maths,we have been learning how to weight different items and how to take away on a numberline!
We have also been working on our group work skills and we worked with a partner to design our own rafts to save Captain Blackbeard who is stuck on a treasure island! We were think about what materials might be good for make a raft e.g. wood, plastic, foil etc
We also finished making our treasure maps and they look really old after we dyed them with tea!
Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.
P1a have been looking at the differences between fiction and non fiction books. We found out that most non fiction books have …
We had to work in a group to sort the different books.
In maths, we have  been working hard on our subtraction, we have been using our fingers and cubes to help us to work out the answers.  We have also been learning about whole and parts of a shape e.g. halve of a circle. We made our own pizzas and folded them in half and quarters then cut them up.  Finally, we have been spending some time looking at sequencing and ordering numbers to 20!
On Tuesday, we had a great morning completing our sponsored Sports for Champions  event!  We completed the four exercises and we were really tired after it !!
In science, we have started to look at floating and sinking as we are going to design our own rafts! A Pirate left us a message because he needs out help to get back to his Pirate ship.
We have also been reading a book about the brain and we have been thinking about how we can help to make our brain stronger and smarter. Â If you are willing to try new things, make mistakes and not give up then you can, this is called Growth mindset! Â We want stretch our brains and become smarter !!
Article 31
You have the right to play and rest.
Rights Respecting Schools Parent Survey
As part of our journey towards gaining our Rights Respecting School Level 2 award, we would like to ask your opinion on the learning attitudes and behaviour of the children at Bankton Primary School. We would be really grateful if you could follow the link to the Survey Monkey questionnaire and answer the questions as honestly as you can. There will be a follow up questionnaire in a few months to measure the impact of RRS in our school.
To take the survey, please follow this link …
Many thanks, in advance.
Miss Rodford
Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.
P1a enjoyed going to their ‘Rights’ themed learning groups. Once every two weeks, we visit other teachers to learn about different rights. Its really important that we know what our rights are!
Maybe you could tell your family about the right your learnt about today?
Kian ‘ We have the right to a name’
Cye ‘ We have the right to stay healthy’
Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.
In Miss Rodford’s class we were learning about the right to play and relax ( Article 31)
We thought that it helped us to make friends and it is fun to play with others. If we did’ play it might make up sad.
Article 31
You have the right to play and rest.
P1a have been revising lots of different things in maths this week. We practised sorting money, measuring and recognising 2D and 3D shapes.
We also learnt about the the greater than and less than signs with help from Charlie the Chocodile.
Charlie the Crocodile likes to snap up the bigger numbers !!
We also visited the P5 and 6s Fairtrade money raiser event and bought lots of yummy things.
We also made some Pirate faces out of paper plates!
Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.
You should be encouraged to go to school to
the highest level you can.
Article 27
You have the right to food, clothing, a safe
place to live and to have your basic needs met.
You should not be disadvantaged so that you
can’t do many of the things other kids can do.