All posts by Miss Rodford

A short week in Primary One

Even though it was a very short week in Primary One, it has still been a very busy week …

We have learnt how to read and write the n and k sounds.

Kayla  – N is a blue sound

In maths we have been learning about patterns and how to repeat them. We have also been busy learning about one more and one less.

We also have other exciting news …

We had a visit from Wellow Bear. Wellow Bear is going to be staying at Bankton so he can learn all about Scotland.

We found out what Wellow Bear school badge means and we talked about where he came from.

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You have the right to practice your own culture,
language and religion

Recycling in P1 and P1/2 – Global Goal 12

As part of the ‘World’s Largest Lesson’ , P1  and P1/2 learnt about recycling and why this it is important to cut down the amount of rubbish that we throw away ..

Ruaridh – It will help to save the world

Kayla – We can recycle cardboard

Harry – We can recycle metal

Kyle – Wwe can recycle plastic

We also played a game where we had to think of a new use for a item we might throw away! P1 came up with some great ideas !

Rosie – It a stick to balance with

Jamie Wilkie – Its a walking stick

Finally, we all went outside to play a sorting game where we had to sort the recycling into the correct boxes. It was great fun !img_3245 img_3246 img_3247 100_7422img_3248 img_3249 100_7425

The World’s Largest Lesson


Well done to all the classes that took part in ‘The World Largest Lesson’ today!

It was a chance for all the children to learn about global issues and think about what they could do to help!

What are the Global goals?

In September 2015 World Leaders introduced the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

This means that we need to think about how we protect the environment and resources for the future e.g our trees, climate, water etc

They have set 17 goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things by 2030.

Here is a short video explaining more about the Global Goals

Article 4

The government has a responsibility to make sure

your rights are protected. They must help your

family to protect your rights and create an environment

where you can grow and reach your


Super Sounds in P1

Primary one have been busy this week learning the sounds a, t and i. We produced some super handwriting and some crazy crafts ! In maths, we have been learning to read, write and order the numbers to 10. We used ten frames, lego bricks, magnetic letters etc to help us with our learning!

We have also been learning about our emotions and have been acting the emotions out! img_23491 img_23581 img_23671 img_24881 img_25551 img_25321 img_25341 img_25331 img_24961 img_25061 img_25472

Kyle – t is a blue sound because we make it with the tip of our tongue

Jack – I enjoyed learning about the number 10

Kayla – i and a are black sound because we make a tunnel with our mouths!

Jenna – I enjoyed writing the number 10

Harry – I enjoyed ordering the numbers to 10 with lego bricks

Primary one were also excited to use the structured play area …

Hannah – I enjoyed playing with the babies

Mason – I liked playing cooking


Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.


Bankton Bear is going on his travels!

Bankton Bear is a special member of Primary 1 and he has been busy learning all about Bankton Primary School.

The time has come for Bankton Bear to go on his travels to a school down in England.  He is going to help us to learn about a place called Wellow in Somerset!

The school that Bankton Bear is travelling to is called St Julians Primary School!

We will find out about the children, the school and traditions.  P1 are very excited about this and hopefully we will also get a special vistor to come and stay in our class!

Au Revoir Bankton Bear !

IMG_2452[1]   somerset

Article 13
You have the right to find out things and share
what you think with others, by talking, drawing,

A super week in P1

P1 have settled into life at Bankton really well and can get themselves ready quickly in the morning and in the afternoons!

We have been busy learning the sounds ‘s’ and ‘p’.  S is a long stretchy sound and ‘p’ is a short bouncy sound.

See if your child can ask you what colour the sounds are and why!

In handwriting, we have been busy practising writing the ‘m’ and ‘c’ and thinking about how we hold our pencils correctly!

In maths, we have learnt how to read, write and order the numbers up to seven.

This week, we also learnt about the ‘rights of the child’ and what rights were important for our class. We thought we had the right to …

Article 28 – A good quality education

Article 29 – Education should develop our talents

Artical 31 – We have the right to play

Article 24- We have the right to a clean environment

We all draw pictures to show what we thought these different rights looked like!

Well done P1

Article 1

Everyone under the age of 18 has all the rights in the Convention



What are children’s rights?


Just a reminder to anyone who hasnt heard of the ‘Rights of the Child’

Bankton Primary School is currently a Level One rights respecting school and we are looking to go forward to gain our Level 2 (hopefully sometime this year).  Over the year, all children will be learning more about their rights through lessons, eco week, language week etc.   The idea is that we want to create a respectful, fun, happy and safe place for children to learn in!

                                                                     Where did the ‘Rights of the Child’ come from ?

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation for children and their rights

In 1989, governments across the world promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Here is a link to the poster which explains all the rights …

We also have copies of the rights down at the office for you to take away with you!

Here is a wee video clip which explains a little about the rights of the child.

Article 42

You have the right to know your rights!

Adults should know about these rights and

help you learn about them, too.

A super week in P1

P1 have had a super week and having been working hard to learn the routines of the classroom and going out to play with your P7 buddies.

In phonics, we have started to learn the sounds m and c. We have been practising how to say and write these sounds.

We found out that ‘m’ is a red sound as we make it with our lips. The ‘c’ sound is a yellow sound because we make this sound with our tongue touching the back of our mouths!

In maths, we have been learning to count and write our numbers to 4.

Well done P1 !!!

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.

A big welcome to P1a

Miss Rodford would like to say a big welcome to all the new P1 children in her class!

They have been super stars this week and have been acting so grown up.  We are looking forward to starting to learn our sounds and numbers next week !!!



Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.
You should be encouraged to go to school to
the highest level you can.