All posts by Miss Rodford

Global Goals Vertical Learning Groups

Today , our vertical learning groups based on the Global Goal started. The children have been split up into different groups and over the course of the next few weeks will be learning about different Global issues e.g. poverty, climate change, hunger etc

It is super to see Bankton becoming super Global Citizens!!!

Have a chat with your child and find out more.

Please feel free to leave a comment about the children’s learning!!

Well done!

Article 13

You have the right to find out things and share

what you think with others, by talking, drawing,

writing or in any other way unless it harms or

offends other people.


Happy Halloween from P1!

At the beginning of the week is was Halloween and Mrs Stewart came to show us her special carved pumpkin!  She also read  ‘potion commotion’ and we had to listen out for all the rhyming words! We also made super Halloween masks with Miss Reid!

In Literacy, we have been working hard on our v, g and x sounds! We have been working hard on your handwriting and are starting to blend sounds together to read three letter words!!!

In maths, we have been working hard on our addition! Miss Rodford has been very impressed with our counting on skills ! We are also getting very good at recognising 2D and 3D shapes!

On Friday, we took part in our first vertical learning groups based on the Global Goals! We are going to learning all about the world around us e.g. climate change, life under the sea, deforestation etc

Please feel free the leave a comment about our super learning!

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Article 30

You have the right to practice your own culture,

language and religion – or any you choose.


RRS information afternoon – Thursday the 17th of November at 2.30pm


Your School Needs You!!

Rights Respecting Schools information afternoon on Thursday the 17th of November from 2.30pm to 3.00pm

Bankton is currently working towards achieving our Level 2 Rights Respecting Schools Award and we need your help!

We are holding a information drop in session to give more information about the award. There will be a chance to meet our NEW RRS CHAMPIONS and they will being talking about why children’s rights are important. You will also get the chance to have your say and give ideas to how we can promote children’s rights in school. The information afternoon is open to everyone!

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you all then.

Miss Rodford

There will also be tea, coffee and biscuits!

Letters will be sent out as a reminder

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.

Sleeping Beauty!

Primary One loved watching the pantomine ‘Sleeping Beauty’. We thought the withc was very mean and was very unkind to the other characters!

‘I liked it when the Prince kissed the Princess’ – Hannah

After the pantomine, we all go to choose a different art activity to complete  based on fairy tales.  Some of us made fairy wands, magic mirrors, wolves and painted Fairy Godmothers!

In sounds, we learnt the u and d sounds. We have been working hard to practise blending together the sounds to read three letter words!

We also enjoyed watching Authors Live from the Scottish Book Trust! This was a live book reading which schools all around the country could watch!

In maths, we have started to learn how to add and Miss Rodford is very impressed with our adding skills ! We have also been learning about 3D shapes such as a cube, cone, cuboid, sphere and cylinder!

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Right of the month for November!

Our right of the month for November is ….


Article 24

You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you to stay well.

Over the next month, the children will be thinking about this right and why it is important. Here are some tips to how you could promote this right at home …

  1. Have a chat about this right and why it is important.
  2. Talk about or make a healthy lunch or dinner
  3. See if you and your child can link this right to current events in the news


Here is a link to a healthy recipe that you could try to make at home!  Please leave a comment saying how you got on!

Thank you,

Miss Rodford


Last week of Term in P1

We have been busy this week learning all about the h sound and we have been using the mouth part boards to build three letter words.

We have also been busy trying to write three letter words and Miss Rodford was very impressed with our spelling.

In Maths, we have been learning all about money and how we can use money! Some lovely ladies from the bank came into help us with this! We also went to visit the book fair and got to look at lots of lovely books!

On Monday, we made soup with the potatoes and carrots that we harvested!

The soup tasted lovely – Mason

Well done for all your hard work this term in Primary One and I hope you have a lovely holiday!

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Article 31
You have the right to play and rest.

Please meet the new Bankton RRS Champions!

After reading lots of super application forms for the RRS champions, Miss Rodford had the hard task of choosing one person from each class ….

Congratulations to …

P2 – Lauren Robertson, P2/3 –Chloe McGregor,

P3 – Finley Mullen, P4 – Jamie Ure, P4/5 – Erin McMeechan,

P5 – Matthew , P5/6 – Abbie, P6 – Kasia, P6/7 – Xander

You are now our RRS Champions for Bankton Primary School. I think you will all do a super job!


Our first meeting will be 12.30 on Tuesday  the 25th of October at !

Well done!

Article 12
You have the right to give your opinion, and for
adults to listen and take it seriously.

Could you be a RRS champion

Today, Miss Rodford asked for some volunteers to apply to be RRS champions. These champions will be the ambassadors for our rights at Bankton Primary School.

The RRS champions will help to

  • think of ways to promote the rights
  • feed back about progress in assembles
  • help with fundraising
  • Have regular meetings once every two weeks
  • Help with displays

If you child has come home with an application form please chat to them about why they want to represent the school.

All applications need to be in by Thursday the 13th of Ocober and Miss Rodford will announce the results in assembly next Friday!

It could be you …

Article 12
You have the right to give your opinion, and for
adults to listen and take it seriously.

Going batty in Primary One

Primary one have been learning the sounds e, f and b in phonics.

b is a red sound because we make it with our lips – Kayla

e is black sound because we make a tunnel with our mouths – Jamie

We made some super bats which look very cute and  have also been working very hard to improve our handwriting!

In maths, we have been learning about different dot patterns and how to count carefully and slowly.  We also learnt about 2D shapes such as triangle, rectangle, square and circles. We have fun making super shape tractors and had to think about shapes we could use to build the picture.

Circles are round and they look like a wheel! – Jamie Watters

We loved it when the parents came in to see us at the PATPAL morning, we enjoyed showing the mums and dads around the class and having ago at different activities based on money.

Mrs Stewart also came to visit us and read us a super story !

Well done Primary One

Please feel free to leave a comment about our super work below!

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.

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Harvesting in P1

This week, Primary One have learnt all about harvesting. We had a good at harvesting potatoes, carrots and parsnips from the school vegetable patch.

Harvest is when you dig, chop and pick fruit and veg to be eaten – Kayla

We harvested carrots – Summer

We havested parsnips – Sarah.

We all thought that this was great fun and will be sharing our learning with the children in St Julian’s Primary School!

We also looked at different words we could use for the emotions happy, sad, angry and scared. We read the story of the Owl Babies to help us to come up with different words …

Summer – terrified is a another word for scared

Hannah – Cheerful is another word for happy

In maths, we have been impressing Miss Rodford with our number talks strageties and are getting really good at recognising 10 frame patterns. In sounds, we learnt the ‘o’ sound and have been starting to blend on our mouth part boards.

As it was International Language day on Monday, we learnt alittle bit about France and thier culture. We also enjoyed a super French lesson on Friday. We learnt how to count up to 10, to introduce ourselves and animal names!

Well done Primary 1

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