All posts by Miss Rodford

Amazing Pirate Raft Building !

Miss Rodford was very impressed with our raft building skills this week!

We had to work as a team to design a raft and think about what materials would be good for building a raft that would float. Then we chose different materials and used super team work skills to build the raft!

Finally, we got to predict and test out of our rafts would sink or float!

Have a look at our super pictures!


A lovely treat after a busy week!

This week Primary One have been busy learning about ways to make 10. We were lucky enough to share our super learning with some special visitors who were very impressed with our maths!

We have also been learning how to tell the time to half past! This has been tricky but we are going to use our Growth Mindset and keep trying!

We have also been learning how to write questions to find out more information.

We also got a surprise note from Captian Blackbeard asking for our help! He wants us to make a raft to help him to get back to his ship so we wrote back to say we would love to help him.

Finally, as a treat for working so hard this week, we spent some time outside playing on the new trim trail and the tyre park! It was so much fun!.

Well done Primary One

Super sorting and data handling in Primary One

This week, Primary One have been learning to sort, make tally carts and organise their results into a barchart.  We have also been practising our measuring skills.  We used different items such as cubes or lolly pop sticks to measure different pieces of Pirate treasure!


In Science, we learnt about things were alive, not alive and once alive. We worked in groups to cut out pictures and sort them into groups. We also looked at the life cycle of a chicken!

Again, we had to work in groups to draw and label the four different stages of a chicken life.

Well done Primary One!



Busy week in Primary One

Primary One have been busy this week, revising their vowel house sounds and we impressed Miss Rodford with our knowledge of the sounds.  In maths, we have been learning our number facts to 9 and we have been working out different ways to partition 9.  We have also been learning about one more and one less of numbers to 20.

On Thursday, we went out into the structured play area and we loved dressing up as Pirates and playing in the role play area!

As part of our values program, we went to an assembly which was all about co-operation.  We have been taking part in activities which promote co-operation and we continue to work on this skill in the classroom.

Miss Rodford loved the Pirate pictures we created and she also enjoy reading all the Pirate names which were part of the homework!

Well done Primary One


Arrrr Pirates!

Primary One found a special treasure chest in the playground! It was full of coins and a treasure map!  We thought that it might be from a Pirate!

In maths we were thinking about ways to make 8 and we have also been working on sharing objects out equally between two groups.

In Literacy, we have been revising our vowel house sounds and we have been impressing Miss Rodford with our reading skills.

In Science, we thought about animals which lay eggs.

‘A frog lays eggs’ Summer




Lunchtime Charter

The RRS group have been busy over the pat few weeks creating a Lunch time Charter. We onducted a survery and found out that the lunch hall could be very noisy and we were wasting alot of food.


So we created a charter to give some rules to how we act and our responsiblities in the lunch hall. We also have rewards for children who follow the charter and they will get a lunchpass for the courtyard! Hopefully this will make the lunchhall a quieter and less wasteful place!


April’s Right of the Month

April’s Right of the Month is ……

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.

UNICEF believe that children and young people are to become responsible citizens, they need the chance to participate in the world around them.

If they are denied the right to take part in their community, they will struggle to learn how to become responsible members of that community as adults.

Adults should teach and inform children of their rights.

At home, see if you can teach your family abit about the rights!

Can you name some rights?

Can you talk about why they are important?

Here is a video with abit of the history of Children’s Rights

Super Symmetry!

This week Primary One have been learning about symmetry! We have had fun creating patterns which mirror each other. Miss Rodford has been really impressed with some of these patterns!

We have also been busy making lots of Easter crafts to !!

Have a super Easter holidays !

Happy Mothers Day

Well done Primary One for your super performance in our Mothers Day assembly !

Primary One have been busy all week practising the songs and making cards to say thank you to our mums!

This week in literacy, Primary One have been busy practising spelling words and building sentences! Miss Rodford has been impressed with our handwriting and sounding out.

In Maths, we have been learning about halves and quarters. Take a look at how we cut up our cookies!

Now it is Spring time, we have been looking at signs that we might see around  us e.g flowers, baby animals etc

Well done Primary One!

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.

What’s the time Mr Wolf !!

This week, Primary one have been learning all about how to tell o’clock times! We have also been learning learning how to match the analogue time to the digital time! We really enjoyed playing What’s the time Mr Wolf and making different times on our small clocks!

Primary One also surprised Miss Rodford with their super subtraction !! We learnt that when we write a take away sum the biggest number goes first. We loved using the dice to make subtraction sums.

We have also been busy learning about rhyming words! We read the story of ‘The cat in the hat’ and had to think of words that rhyme with cat ! We then made super cat in the hat pictures!!!

Super Work Primary One!!!