All posts by Miss Rodford

Amazing Electricity

Primary Four have been lucky enough to have a visit from Sarah’s dad to talk about electricity! Sarah’s dad talked about what electricity is, how electricity is made and different types of electricity! We really enjoyed the talk about learnt lots! We loved all the demos!!

Primary 4 also won the Goblet of Good Manners this week as a bonus!

National Poetry Day!

On Thursday it was National Poetry Day and to celebrate this we wrote our own poems based on Autumn. We had of rhyming couplets which linked to Autumn.

In our topic work, we were learning about the light bulb. We found out that Thomas Edison didn’t invent it but he improved it.

In maths, we were learning how to layout out column addition and how to carry the tens and units. Mrs Stewart and Mrs Ferguson came to see what we were doing and they were very impressed with our knowledge.

Also, it was National Language Day on Wednesday and we learnt how to say ‘hello’ in different languages. We also learnt how to count up to 20 in French.


A fun week in P4

This week in Maths we were learning to learning to add 1,10, 100 and even a thousand to numbers up to 10.000.

561 + 10 = 571

5601 + 100 = 5701


In writing, we were learning to write the beginning of a story and we were focusing on capital letters and full stops.

During topic time, we started to learn about John Logie Baird and he invented the Television. We used the computers to research facts about him!

Well done to Arran McSporran for getting Star of the Week for all his hard work!



Welcome back P4 !!

P4 have had a super week back ! We have been settling in to our new routines and been taking part in lots of team building activities.  We enjoyed the challenge of making marshmallow towers and working as a team to make the biggest tower.

We have also started to get into our learning groups for the year!

Well done Primary 4 !

A super trip!!

Primary One have had an exciting week learning about how to help save the environment. One Monday, we learnt all about worms! We found out that worms are good at recycling and they make compost.  On Monday afternoon, we worked in groups to create the life cycle of a caterpillar in preparation for our trip to see ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. Miss Rodford thought that we did a great job!

We also learnt about the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

On Thursday, we went to see the performance of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and it was amazing! We loved the puppets and we sat so well to watch it!

On Friday, we performed our P1 assembly to our families and we showed off all our super learning that we have done this year!

Health week!

Last week Primary One enjoyed taking part in health week and we learnt lots about how to keep ourselves healthy.

We had a visit from Dexter the Dragon and he taught us how to brush our teeth correctly. We also enjoyed taking part in different activities such as wake and shake, multi sports and yoga.

Primary One also had a special visit from the Ambulance Service who taught us how to save a life and do basic CPR. We also know how to call in an emergency  -999!

We also loved going on the big daily mile walk around the local community with our mums and dads!

Pirate Ships!

This week in maths we have been busy learning how to count in 2s. We used lots of different things to help us to do this e.g. magnetic letters, cubes etc.  On Tuesday, we also welcomed parents in to see the super work that we have been doing in maths.

We have also been busy learning all about the different parts of a Pirate Ships! Miss Rodford was very impressed with our remembering skills!

We have also started to turn ourselves into a Pirate using a computer program called Clicker 6! We got to add a hat, sword and even a parrot to our pictures! They look very funny!



Fun run in the sun!

Primary One have been enjoying the super weather this week! We enjoyed taking part in the sponsered fun run!

In maths, we have been learning about positional language and practised putting Wellow bear in different positions around the chair.  We used words like beside, underneath, inside, behind etc. We also started to learn about our left and right!  Can you remember the special trick Miss Rodford said would help us to remember our left and right!

Well done Primary One!