All posts by Miss Rodford

Happy Mother’s Day

P2 have been really busy this week preparing for our Mother’s Day assembly !!!

We have been learning songs, writing lovely messages and painting pictures of our fab mums.

Miss Rodford thought P2 did a great job in assembly. Have a look at what we have been doing this week.

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We also have our two star learners of the week ….. Well done Emma S and Caiden !!!

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This week, the children have been starting to design thier vehicles for thier technology project! We are going to be making vehicles which transport food to shops. We had to think about what type of transport would be best and why. Then we had some time to design our vehicle!! We all worked really well in our groups !!!IMG_2523 IMG_2524 IMG_2525 IMG_2527

World Book Day !!!

P2 were looking alittle different today !! They transformed into their  favourite book characters !!

Even Miss Rodford had dressed up as Peter Pan.

We had great fun talking about our characters and the books that they came from.

What characters can you spot in the pictures???


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Our walk around the local community

P2 went for a walk in our local community. We were looking shops and places which provide the community with wants and needs. Then when we got back we had a go at sorting the pictures into wants and needs.

We had great fun looking at the shops, doctors and church. It even snowed !!!

” The shop has food and that one of our needs” Lucy

“We need to go to the doctors to get better” AJ

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What a busy week!!!

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P2 have been busy doing lots of learning this week. We have been working hard on our handwriting!!

We also started to talk about our new technology project which is to build a vehicle.

We have been busy sorting different types of transport in different ways …

“We ordered ours into transport that could fly, go on land and that go on the water” said Lucy’s group

P2 also get the chance to be the STAR OF THE WEEK and they get to go to see Mrs Ferguson and receive a special certificate !!!!