All posts by Miss Rodford

Our Zoo Trip !


On Tuesday the 26th of May, P2 and P2/3 went on school trip to Edinburgh zoo.  We saw pandas, penguins, monkeys, rhinos, meerkats and an armadillo.

We had a picnic in the park and it was sunny.

A lady from the zoo taught us all about the different animal groups.

Did you know there are five animal groups?

We liked the trip because it was fun!

“My favourite animal was the lions” Alisha

“My favourite part was the dinosaurs” Mackenzie

“My favourite animal was the snake” Kayla

We had a fab day at the zoo !!!


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Animals, Animals, Animals !!!

P2 have been busy preparing for our trip to the zoo !!!

We are so excited !!!

P2 have been working on identifing different animal groups e.g. mammals, fish etc

We sorted lots of different pictures of animals and talked about how they were different!

Then, we did some research into these different animal groups. We took notes about the key features of animals from these groups.

Have a look at what we have been doing this week … . . . .

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P2 and P2/3 food bank!

P2 and P2/3 have been responsible citizens by collecting food for the West Lothian food bank!

Marshall from the The Trussel Trust came to collect our food. He said we had collected enough for 33 days !!!

We are feeling very proud as we know that we can help others in West Lothian!!

Well done P2 and P2/3

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Lava Lamps!!!

P2 have been doing lots of science this week!

We made our own Lava Lamps!!

They looked amazing.

We made them by adding vegetable oil and water to a empty bottle, then we added a few drops of food colouring. Finally we added a fizzing tablet and by magic the gas created bubbles which rose to the surface !!!

Its so easy, you can even do it at home!!

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P2 and P2/3 Foodbank Collection

P2 have been thinking about how they can help others as part of our ‘Wants and Needs’ topic. We thought that we could help by collecting food for a local food bank.

The children have been busy making posters to advertise our event and we are going to visiting the classes to tell everybody what they could bring in.

We are going to be collecting food for the next two weeks until Friday the  8th of May.

Things that you could bring in …

  • tinned fruit
  • tinned beans and pasta
  • dried pasta
  • cereals
  • biscuits
  • UHT milk
  • fruit juice
  • tins of soup
  • tinned meat
  • rice

Can you help P2 AND P2/3

Thank you !

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Sharing learning with P6

P2 had a great time this afternoon playing with the toys that the P6 had created !!!

We were amazed how good they looked and how well made the toys were !!!


Mackenzie ” I liked playing with the mini figures”

Regan ” I liked the bowling bottles”

Farrah” I liked the monster high doll ! ”


P2 think that P6 did a great job!!! well done!!

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The Solar Eclipse !!

Did you spot something special going on in the sky this morning?

P2 went out with special poin hole viewers to see if they could catch a glimpse of the eclipse.

We went very lucky to see it as the clouds decided to clear for a few minutes. Then we went in a watched it on the computer.IMG_2551 IMG_2552 IMG_2553 IMG_2554

Caiden thought it was amazing!

Charles said ‘the sun looked like it went dark’

Emma S said ‘It was amazing


P2 have also been busy making their model lorrys for our technology project!

We worked together really well to come up with a design and were excellent when it came to building time!

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