This week, P1a have been learning about what Pirates look like. We have be taking photos of ourselves and have turned ourselves into Pirates! We have also been thinking about Pirate names for our homework !
‘I am called Captain Daniel Blackbeard’ – Daniel Gough
‘I am called Captain Golden Hair Storm’ Savannah
‘I am called Captain Blackbeard’ – Jack
We have also been drawing pictures of Pirate! They look very scary! On Monday, we learnt about what a Pirate flag is called and we made our own flags ! Don’t they look super.
P1a loved dressing up as Pirates and going into the new Pirate role play area ! They had so much fun!
In Maths, we have been practising our adding and made super Pirate Addition ships and we have also been practising how to count to 20. We also learnt how to share the Pirate coins out equally !
At the beginning of the week P1a received a second clue about who the treasure chest was from ! We found a hat and a sword and decided it was from a Pirate!
It’s from a swashbuckler – Daniel G
We enjoyed playing with the pirate ships in the structured play area and are waiting for our pirate ship role play area to be completed !
We have also been making Pirate passports and thinking about what Pirates look like. Some of us have written about what items a Pirate would have.
In maths, we have been continuing to practise our number facts to 10 and counting up to 20. We have also been learning to share objects out equally between two people !
P1a have also been learning about healthy eating this week. We found out that we have the right to have a healthy diet! We have been sorting the healthy and unhealthy foods on to different plates.
The apple stops us from getting sick – Fraser
Bad food can rot our teeth – Leah
On Thursday, we made yummy fruit salads and we enjoyed tasting them !!
My fruit salad is yummy – Cole
P1a have also started taking part in the daily mile challenge. Twice a week we go for a walk around the playground and the aim to be get better at walking and get fitter.
Article 24 You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well.
P1a have been busy learning about how to be more ‘Eco Friendly’. We have been thinking about what wildlife live around the Bankton area and we draw some super wildlife pictures. We also designed pictures to go on the front of Asda’s reuseable bags!!
On Wednesday, we had a visit from ‘Bag Girl’ and she taught us all about how to reduce, reuse and recycle our rubbish. We played lots of super games and practised how to fight the rubbish monster!
Then we were challenged to sort the rubbish in to plastic, metal and cardboard into the correct recycling bins.
What can you do to help recycle at home?
Article 24 Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that children can stay healthy.
At Bankton Primary School, we have achieved our Level 1 UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Accreditation (RRSA) and are working hard to gain our Level 2 Status.
At Bankton, we have put the values and principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of our school ethos and within the curriculum. We aim for the children to demonstrate an awareness of their rights, show how they can respect each other’s rights, and show awareness of the the world around them. We hope that they can make informed decisions about their learning, health and well-being and become rights-respecting global citizens.
We aim to achieve this by embedding these ‘Rights’ into the curriculum in different ways …
For example …
by children working in vertical learning groups (lessons based on different articles from the Rights of the Child)
teaching the children about global issues
linking the learning with a particular article
working on special learning ‘weeks’ such as Eco schools and fair trade fornight
Here is a short video explaining more about the rights that children have!
Here is some information explaining more about UNICEF and the Convention for the Rights of the Child.
What is a Rights Respecting School?
UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Fund, is the world’s leading organisation for children. Their work is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which outlines the rights of every child regardless of who they are and where they live, to grow up safe, happy and healthy.
The Convention
The Convention has 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.
Classroom Charters/ displays and vertical learning groups
At the beginning of year each class decided on the rights which they felt were important within their own classroom and created their own class charter. The charter helped the children to understand the role they play in upholding their rights and those of others. Classrooms and corridor displays have got the linking articles displayed next to them. This helps the children to become familiar to the language of the Rights. Our vertical learning groups aim to teach the children about the rights directly and they get the chance to work with children from other classes.
I hope this gives you more information about the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and we do have leaflets in reception which give more information which you can take away with you.
P1a were surprised to receive a letter from the Friendly Dragon on Monday. The Friendly Dragon asked us to use everything we learnt about Fairytales to create wallpaper decorated with Fairytale stories. We also had a go at describing Rapunzel in our castle books.
We enjoyed working with P1b to create this super wallpaper.
We have also learnt how to make a block graph to show the different amounts of Easter pictures. Miss Rodford through that we did a super job with the colouring. In maths, we also started to learn our number facts to 10 using ten frames and cubes to help us.
Finally, we enjoyed making our Easter Cards and baskets!!!
P1a have been busy this week learning about Spring. We have been thinking about the signs we can see all around us. Can you spot some of the signs of Spring the next time you are out walking? Here are some signs we came up with …
baby animals
We have also been doing some Easter rhyming. We had a go at making different words that rhyme with ‘un’ using Easter eggs and we thought that was lots of fun.
P1a have also been enjoyed our new and improved structured play area! We loved all the space we now have.
In maths, we have also been learning about how to link addition and subtraction number stories together using dominos and pegs. We have been practising making 4 facts using 3 numbers e.g.
2+3 = 5, 3+2 = 5, 5 – 2= 3 and 5 -3 = 2
We also have been learning how to count beyond ten and counting out sets of objects up to 20.
P1a also enjoyed visiting the book fair and looking at all the lovely books.
We want to say a massive well done to the upper school for their show, we thought it was very funny.
“I liked the army men’ Daniel G
” I liked all of it” Ryan
Miss Rodford wants to give a big mention to Daniel S, for an amazing piece of instructional writing that he produced. It is super Daniel !! Well done to Jack Mcmillan, who was our superhero of the week. Jack has shown super manners and he has been trying very hard with his learning this week!
We have been learning about symmetry and we made our own symmetrical patterns on the carpet. We have also been practising taking away on a number line. We have been writing our own take away sums and been working out the answers using either our fingers or a number line.
We have been learning all about the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, we ordered the events of the story, drew pictures and wrote about the wolf.
As it is Fair Trade fortnight, we talked about why Fair Trade is important and we sorted foods which have the Fairtrade Symbol on it.
Can you spot any Fair Trade foods when you go shopping with your family?