All posts by Miss Rodford

Right of the Fortnight!

The right of the Fortnight is …..


Article 7

You have the right to a name and this should be officially recognized by the government. You have the right to a nationality!


Primary Four thought about what this meant …

‘It gives you your own identity’ ! Caitlin

‘It means you can travel and get a job’ Kieran!


Come and see the other ideas on the rights respecting wall display !!!

Snow day round two!!

Hope Primary 4 are keeping safe and warm but also enjoying the snow!


It is World Book Day today so pick up your favourite book and enjoy some time reading!

Maybe share a story with your family!

Could you play a game of Charades and get your family to guess the book!

Design a book cover for your favourite book and post a picture on Dojo!!

Write a character description of your favourite character!


Here is the link to the World Book Day and you can find other activities on there !!

Thanks Miss Rodford

Egyptians !!!

This week, we have been busy learning all about Egyptians and we used this knowledge to write super stories about a tomb discovery. In Art, we started to make paper mache death masks. We have also been researching Pharaohs such as Tutankhamun.

We have also been learning the Robert Burns poems and well done to Sarah for standing up in assembly to recite ‘The Red Red Rose’.

In maths, we have been learning about time such as quarter past, quarter to. We have also been putting this knowledge into every day situations.

Well done Josh for getting ‘Star of the Week’ for your super story about the ‘Tomb Discovery’

Well done P4


Right of the Fortnight

Our new ‘Right of the Fortnight’ is


Article 2

All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.



Have a think about how you are respecting everyone’s rights over the next two weeks!

Are you listening to others?

Are you being kind?

The reason we learn to respect every one’s rights because its helps us to become responsible citizens!

Try to remember this saying …..

Rights + Respect = Responsible Citizens


Super Tessellations

This week, we have been busy doing lots of different things. In Maths, we have been recapping properties of 3D shapes and we have been learning how to tessellate 2d shapes to make super patterns.

In science, we have also been learning about conductors and insulators. We conducted an investigation to see which materials would let electricity flow through them. Materials such as paper clips, foil and coins would conduct electricity!

We have started to learn our 3 timetables about we have been practising making arrays and repeated addition. We have also been learning to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number!
Well done this week Primary Four!!

A busy week in P4

This week in P4, we have been learning about Anti Bullying week. We know that bullying is when someone is repeated unkind to you!
We have spoken a lot this week about being a good friend and we wrote a ‘recipe for friendship’.

In maths, we have been learning how to solve word problems using these rules
1. Read the problem carefully
2.Underline the important facts
3. Draw a picture
4. Write a sum
5. Solve the problem

We also learnt how to use the bar modelling strategy to help us to see what the problem looks like.

In Science, we learnt how to make a parallel circuit.

At the end of the week, we had a very exciting assembly all about ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ . The authors of this book are going to be our reading patrons and we will be doing some work with them over the year.
‘I liked listening to the story she told and the Unicorn’ Samantha
‘I enjoyed Badger’s magic tricks’ Ayla
‘I liked it when the author showed us the crystal’ Katie

Josh and Emily were lucky enough to speak to the author and this chat will be aired on BBC Scotland radio on Boxing day!

Its all been very exciting!!!

Happy Halloween!

This week in P4, we have been learning how to subtract on a blank number line. We do this by taking away the hundreds first, then the tens and finally the units.
On Tuesday, we had lots of fun watching the Panto Cinderella!
“I liked it when Cinderella and Prince Charming kissed’ Daniel T
“I liked it when they got the teachers up dancing” Nicole
We also wrote a scary Halloween story during Big Writing time. On Thursday, we made Halloween pictures by making different shades of colours e.g. light red all the way to dark red. Then when that dried we used the black paint to create a silhouette effect!
Most importantly P4 loved the Halloween party !