First week back!

P6 have had a great first week back.  We have been to West Lothian Collage. This week we were doing Athletics which was our last activity. We were so sad. We have included photo from our rugby week so that you can see how much fun it really was!

Catch that ball!

We also started a new topic, WWII. Amber thought that WWII was exciting to start and can’t wait to find out more about WWII. Abby thought that WWII was very interesting and can’t wait to find out more about Adolf Hitler.

We were finishing our old topic our world! This has been great. Isra thought that our world topic was amazing! We talked about our holidays which sounded great. We all can’t wait for June because for good girls and boys they are getting a fun day!!

We are getting ready for P7 next year. Erin says that getting ready for P7 is exciting, scary and it feels like just yesterday we were in P1. Zoe thinks it is exciting and scary.

By Amber, Abby and Zoe

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