Dynamic Learning in P1!

P1 had a fantastic time at Our Dynamic Earth today.  Our first activity was a trip to the moon!  After sorting all of the things we would need to take with us we did a count down until it was time to blast off!  When we got to the moon we bounced around and then got to touch real moon rocks that were millions of years old!

Next we went to the sun (but not too close!).  We looked at how the Earth orbits the sun while the moon orbits the earth.  We had three very special astronauts to help show us how this worked.

After lunch we went on a time machine that took us back to the beginning of time!!!!! We saw the solar system being formed and then went to a volcano and through an ice age!  We had great fun looking at life on Earth developing as we travelled through time.

Finally we were back in our time and visited different regions of the Earth (we even got to fly on a shuttle!).  One of our favourite places was the arctic zone (it was lovely and cool on a hot day like today!)

The bus journey back to school was full of excited chatting after our amazing travelling through time and space!

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