Happy Halloween!

This week in P4, we have been learning how to subtract on a blank number line. We do this by taking away the hundreds first, then the tens and finally the units.
On Tuesday, we had lots of fun watching the Panto Cinderella!
“I liked it when Cinderella and Prince Charming kissed’ Daniel T
“I liked it when they got the teachers up dancing” Nicole
We also wrote a scary Halloween story during Big Writing time. On Thursday, we made Halloween pictures by making different shades of colours e.g. light red all the way to dark red. Then when that dried we used the black paint to create a silhouette effect!
Most importantly P4 loved the Halloween party !


On Tuesday the first day back from the holiday we had a pantomime of ‘Cinderella’. We really enjoyed it. After that we were doing the Harvest alphabet for the harvest assembly on Thursday.  Some people came up with really good ideas. The last thing we did on Tuesday was music with Mrs Drummond. In music we learnt a song for the harvest assembly. We also talked about what are favourite thing was from the pantomime.

On Wednesday the first thing we did was some writing. We were doing personal writing. Some people were writing about our class novel character called Peter from ‘Because of Mr.Terupt’.  Others decided to write about themselves. We were writing about our emotions. In our class novel we are at the top of the ‘story mountain’ which means it the most exciting part! After lunch we were doing maths. We were revising our times tables. We were playing a game for our warm up.  We got given four numbers and we had to find the calculation. For our real maths we were doing a mild challenge and we had to do a calculation crossword. The last thing of the day was philosophy with Mrs Hocknull. We watched a video called ‘The girl and the fox’.

On Thursday in the morning we were doing some drawing for the harvest assembly the P5’s were going to. We had to draw fruit and veg that we harvest. Then the P5s had a practise. Then we had maths. We had a times table challenge. That afternoon p5 went to their cluster Harvest assembly at the Lanthorn centre and shared their Harvest alphabet with the pupils from the other schools. 


P5-6 Bloggers this week – Brooke Lockhart and Lachlan Drennan


We made up our own stories about Cinderella. We all made a few changes to the story to make it our own. Some of the changes were: Cinderella was bad, the pumpkin turned into a bull, the pumpkin broke down on the way to the ball and the Prince fell in love with one of the stepsisters. the stories were very imaginative and well written. We have also started learning about our topic Livingston now and then. We also looked at some skills for work. We are going to focus on working independently and time management skills. The school also had a Halloween party last night.