P1b Ready for Term 2!

Before the holidays P1b learned some more new sounds.  We learned d,v and g.  We made dinosaurs and designed our own vests and glasses.

We’ve also been working hard to blend our sounds together to begin to read and spell some simple words.  We are getting really good at it!

Look how good we look in our designer glasses!

In maths, we practised our number formation and have been working on writing our numbers correctly and on counting how many altogether.

In structured play we enjoyed making our own shows using the puppet theatre, we read books to each other and enjoyed playing with the money and pretending we were out shopping.

We loved having all our special visitors in the class during our PATPAL event and enjoyed teaching them what we have been learning about money.  It was great fun and was fantastic to see so many of you coming along to join us.  Thank You.

It’s hard to believe that’s term 1 over – keep up the good work in term 2 P1b!