Chloe: today we were movie stars. We were filmed doing super maths.
Logan: we made number bond chains by adding 2 chains together and we wrote the sum on the chain.
Well done to P2/3 for being fantastic super stars when West Lothian Council were filming us today for the COSLA awards.
Caleb: we read ‘Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus’ and we wrote our own poems to finish the story.
Brooklyn: we coloured in dinosaurs from the Dinosaurumpus story. Some were colourful and some had zig zags on them.
Taiba: we painted a large T-rex and Brachiosaurus for our dinosaur wall.
Conor: we wrote a book review about a book from our library.
Connor: We were spelling out our words and we wrote them on the boards. I spelt cat, mat, man and mum.