P1/2 – Back in the Swing!

Primary 1/2 had a super busy week last week.  We discovered something very interesting in the playground.  It was a treasure chest that was full of pirate treasure and a treasure map.  We had a think and thought that maybe some pirates had visited Bankton and left it for us.  We are very excited about our new pirate topic!

In maths, we were thinking about different ways to make 8.  We tried adding two and three numbers together and used cubes to help us.

We also practised sharing out objects equally between two and four groups.  We had to make sure that our sharing was fair!

In Literacy, we impressed Mrs Lloyd with our reading and sounding out skills and also practised the vowel house sounds.

In Science, we thought about animals which lay eggs and worked in groups to share our thoughts on which animals lay eggs.  We then watched a video clip to see if we were right!

It was great to catch up with everyone again after the holidays and P1/2 settled right back into working hard as we are now practising P2’s and P3’s.  Well done!