Marvellous Measuring and Healthy Happenings in P1/2

This week in maths, P1/2 have been practising their measuring skills.  We have been estimating and measuring the size of different objects using dominoes, dice, paper clips and cubes.  We drew round our feet and estimated how many cubes long they were before we measured them.  We have also been ordering objects from smallest to tallest.  We are getting really good at it!

During health week we had fun in the hall playing games and improving our fitness.  We also enjoyed doing our daily mile with P1 and had the chance to be introduced to the sport of Handball.  It was really fun.

In literacy we worked in our groups to find bold and italic writing in a piece of text about Jack and the Beanstalk.  We all co-operated well together and took turns to share the highlighter to highlight the bold and italic writing.  We really impressed Mrs Lloyd.

We enjoyed some time in the structured play area this week and showed good sharing skills with our friends.  We enjoyed dressing up in the castle role-play area, building with lego, playing with the trains, getting creative in the art area, reading books in the library corner and making up our own puppet shows!

A short but busy week!  Well done boys and girls.  Keep up the good work!