Miss Rodford has been very impressed this week with Primary One’s adding and blending skills!
In maths, we have been busy learning about the addition and equals symbol. We have been using dice to create our own addition sums! On Thursday, we enjoying going outdoors for a maths lesson on data handling. We created a super pictogram using colours of leaves. We discovered that the playground has mostly brown leaves in it!
In Literacy, we have been working hard on our blending and spelling of three letter words. Miss Rodford thinks we are getting much better! In writing we read the story called ‘ Shark in the Park and we had to pretend that we were Timothy Pope and say what we could see in the park. We thought of and wrote some super sentences using captial letters, full stops and finger spaces!
We have started to practise for our Nativity performance and songs! If you have any words please remember to practise them at home! Well done Primary One!
If you have any comments about our learning please feel free to leave one!
Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.