Suspicion and suspense in P7a…..

In P7a this week, we have been writing in the mystery genre.  We talked about features in a mystery genre such as red herrings, suspense, tension, clues and another word for a detective which is is a sleuth.  After discussion, we realised that mystery writing is all about making the reader ask questions and then only answering them bit by bit.  An animation we all watched together generated a lot of questions, just as a mystery story should!  Why don’t you watch it and leave us a comment with the questions it made you ask?

We wanted to share some of our mystery writing with you…

Stewart: “The top of the gang was an eminence grise.  He would not listen to the gang, perhaps only on occasion.”

Fraser: “I went to the toilet but I forgot to look at the sign. The toilet was out of order. I was too late.  I heard the door click shut and then it locked…”

Robbie: ” Lying on the floor was the innocent body of Ashley, the woman who I normally work with.  She had brutal injuries. I heard a thud…”

Amber:”I went looking for him but he had already disappeared…”

Ellis: “No car was in sight.  Everything was conventional but a for file in among all the garbage.  All it had in it was rent, payment and bills.  I took it just in case.”

P7a Blog written this week by Ellis Sherwood.

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