Rights Respecting Schools Parent Questionnaire


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Rights Respecting Schools Parent Survey

As part of our journey towards gaining our Rights Respecting School Level 2 award, we would like to ask your opinion on the learning attitudes and behaviour of the children at Bankton Primary School. We would be really grateful if you could follow the link to the Survey Monkey questionnaire and answer the questions as honestly as you can. There will be a follow up questionnaire in a few months to measure the impact of RRS in our school.

To take the survey, please follow this link …


Many thanks, in advance.

Miss Rodford

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.


What a quick week!

We had fun in our vertical learning groups learning about our different rights. Lewis liked making a badge for a club that anyone could come to. His group was finding out about joining different groups and what might stop you from doing that.

On Wednesday P4 went swimming at Bubbles. Alexander said that it was very fun. We are excited because letters have gone home about going to camp once we are in P5- some people can’t wait!!


Learning about our ‘rights’ in Primary 1a

P1a enjoyed going to their ‘Rights’ themed learning groups. Once every two weeks, we visit other teachers to learn about different rights. Its really important that we know what our rights are!

Maybe you could tell your family about the right your learnt about today?

Kian ‘ We have the right to a name’

Cye ‘ We have the right to stay healthy’

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.


In Miss Rodford’s class we were learning about the right to play and relax ( Article 31)


We thought that it helped us to make friends and it is fun to play with others. If we did’ play it might make up sad.

Article 31
You have the right to play and rest.

A short week with P4/5

Wednesday we enjoyed making our castle walls with the outdoor learning equipment. We then tested them with cannon balls (foam balls). We used tarps to make a wall, using ropes and knots to keep them up. A few knots that we learnt were a slip knot, an overhand knot and a figure 8 knot.
Sadly we were not able to go swimming this week, but Mr. Herman will be in touch when the make up date will be. We practiced our connectives this morning however we still need some more work.

Our short week!

P1a have been revising lots of different things in maths this week. We practised sorting money, measuring and recognising 2D and 3D shapes.

We also learnt about the the greater than and less than signs with help from Charlie the Chocodile.

Charlie the Crocodile likes to snap up the bigger numbers !!

We also visited the P5 and 6s Fairtrade money raiser event and bought lots of yummy things.

We also made some Pirate faces out of paper plates!

Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.
You should be encouraged to go to school to
the highest level you can.

Article 27
You have the right to food, clothing, a safe
place to live and to have your basic needs met.
You should not be disadvantaged so that you
can’t do many of the things other kids can do.

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