This week we have started our new topic – ‘Pirates’. The boys and girls found a treasure chest in the playground last week and this week they also found a pirate hat and sword so now we know the treasure chest was definitely left by pirates. We have started to think about what we know already and what we would like to find out about pirates.
P1b used their ICT skills in Clicker 6 this week to take their own photographs and to use the painting tools to make themselves look like pirates. Be warned – some of these pirates look a bit scary!!!!
Lots of pirate fun was had in the structured play area too. Some of the children enjoyed pirate jigsaws, others played with the pirate ships and a few people took on the maths challenge of ordering pirate pictures in size order. Well done!
Mrs Smail has been working very hard on turning the role-play area into our pirate ship. It looks fab and we can’t wait to use it next week. Thank you so much.
P.1 you make very scary pirates! I got a big fright when I saw your pictures!
Where do you think pirates might hide their treasure to keep it safe?
Brilliant! 😀
Excellent pictures 🙂
The boys and girls did a fantastic job! Thank you for commenting on out blog posts!