We have been very busy in P3 this week!
We have started our enterprise topic and have transformed into little elves to make lots of goodies to sell at this years Nativity. We have been working out profits and costing goods in our cooperative teams! We have also been learning about money in maths and are getting good at recognizing and adding up coins. We will be continuing this for the next few weeks, which gives parents and carers a great opportunity to develop this at home by playing games with coins of looking at costs of goods in the supermarket etc.
In science we have been busy learning about magnetism. The children amazed me with how quickly they developed their understanding of the scientific vocabulary we looked at. We talked about the push and pull forces, North and South poles, attraction and repulsion and metals that attract magnets and those that don’t. The children had great fun exploring the magnets and using them to push other magnets across the table and making them spin around. Watch out to see how this projects develops!
Our class Dojo is a great success, if you have not already logged on, have a look and talk to your children about all the wonderful things that they have been doing to earn their points!
Please remember winter coats for next week as it is getting cold outside!