P2/3 Weekly Highlights

Last week some of the boys and girls impressed me with ordering their lunch tray in French as well as saying ‘hello’ in Mandarin.

We enjoyed the Robin Hood panto and here are some photographs which show some of our favourite parts.

Samantha –  My favourite part was when Dani chased the Sheriff of Nottingham’.


Ella – My favourite part was when Maid Marian hit the Sheriff of Nottingham with his hand.


Lily – My favourite part was when the Sheriff of Nottingham locked Maid Marian in the dungeon.

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Halloween Activities

We had lots of fun designing ‘Our Frankly Scary Frankenstein Posters’ based on the style of Pablo Picasso.

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We had lots of fun dooking for apples and Mrs Sinclair was pleasantly surprised to see that we have a new class member who seemed to be a little too old for P2/3.


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Our Star of the Week was Joseph for not getting upset when a friend accidentally bumped into him. Joseph’s reply brought a tear to my eye when he said ‘It’s okay Aaran, you’re still my friend’.

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Class Dojo champion to be announced tomorrow. Watch this space!


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