Nursery Christmas Fun

In the nursery we are very excited about Christmas.  We wrote invitations inviting Santa to our party and this week he wrote a letter back to us!!  He said he will try to make it but he is very busy and poor Rudolph has a cold.

We are looking forward to telling you the Christmas story at our nativity next week, don’t forget, it is on Thursday 18th December at 10am for the morning children and 2pm for the afternoon children.

P3 Winter Ready Activities

Winter Ready Activities – P3

Art -How to make a 3D snowflake . Have a go!

Health and Wellbeing – Go outside and have fun creating a snow sculpture. If you can take a photograph and bring it into school to share.

Maths – Make a clock using the template.  Practise o’clock/half past/quarter to and quarter past

Literacy – Make up your own Snow Poem consisting of 2 verses or an acrostic poem.