P5a’s week

P5a have enjoyed designing their own mascots for the Commonwealth Games. This is our topic for this term.

We used our ICT skills to find out about the Scottish Parliament and the various meeting rooms. P5 are preparing for their own elections – they have designed a leaflet to promote their party and come up with their manifesto. Using persuasive language has been tricky. Ben M said, “Politics is confusing.”

Last week everyone enjoyed street dance, fencing, gymnastics and handball as part of Health week.

We also got to make our own paper which was part of Eco week, although some is still drying out!

We welcome Morgan, a new girl to the class.

Health and Eco Week

Last week we did street dance, hand ball, gymnastics plus fencing.  The reason we did all of these activities is that it was Health Week.  We created health diaries to show us how much healthy food we eat, how much exercise we get and long we sleep.  Next week we are going to bring our diaries in to show the class.  The most popular activity was fencing.  Lewis thought it was exciting getting to fight using the swords.  Alexander thought it was great fun because he hadn’t tried it before.

As well as learning about health we did some Eco activities.  It was fun to make paper from scratch.  Robbie enjoyed making the paper because it was messy!  Aaron enjoyed making the paper because the pulp looked horrible and he liked putting his hands in it!  Amber loved the paper making activity because she also likes to get very messy!

By P5B