Woodland Walk

On Tuesday both P.3 class walked to Dedridge Pond and woods to find out about the plants and wildlife at this time of year.  We used our senses to help us explore the woods.   We had to listen and to look and use our sense of smell.  

We found lots of beech nuts on the ground.  There were jaggy holly bushes, ash trees and oak trees.   We saw the seats in the shape of oak leaves.  Some of us saw squirrels in the trees and we all saw the adult swans and seven cygnets in the pond along with the ducks and seagulls.

Back at school we wrote about the things that we had discovered.   Maybe we will go back in autumn and spring to see if there are any changes in the woods.

Settling in

This week we have been doing well helping our buddies by meeting them every morning and playing with them at breaks and lunch times. It is fun helping them to get used to our school and making new friends. Congratulations to Dana Russell on being our first buddy of the week.

Harvest is a coming!

P7a have been working hard to help tidy up the school garden this Thursday. We went out to see what is needing to be done in the garden and the answer is LOTS! We started off by training the willow, building up the pond a little, doing some weeding and harvesting some of the potatoes. We are hoping to work in the garden every week- weather permitting.Next week we are hoping to make soup with them- yum!