Play this game with French words we have used in class e.g. farm animals, numbers and fruit. have fun and learn at the same time.
Play this game with French words we have used in class e.g. farm animals, numbers and fruit. have fun and learn at the same time.
Play this game with French words we have used in class e.g. farm animals, numbers and fruit. have fun and learn at the same time.
Wow! Thanks so much.
Alfie explained all about how it worked. Well done Alfie.
What have you discovered about fractions of shapes? How do you find 1/2, 1/4, 1/5 of numbers?
The work of artist Denise Fiedler:
We have been doing collage pictures with pages of an old book and we used cotton wool and brown and black paper too. We were inspired by the work of Denise Fiedler.
She creates awesome pictures of cats and dogs.
Look on her website below:
by Dawa, Paddy and Joseph
This is what Callum and Cody wrote for our wall display:
P4/3 Cats and Dogs Collages
We have been very inspired by Denise Fielder. We made cats and dogs like Denise Fiedler’s work. First we drew a dog or cat and put as much detail as we can.
Next you get an old book and rip the pages out. Then you cut it out in the shape you want and stick it on the right bit but you can’t stick the piece on until it’s the right shape.
You can build the collage up with paper and ribbon. That’s how you make Denise Fielder’s art.
we are learning about the Islamic religion.
facts that we’ve learned: They pray in a Mosque. They speak Arabic. men and women pray in different places. They face Mecca the holy city. They pray on prayer mats.
Get thinking everyone!
We need to choose a favourite book to decorate our classroom door for World Book day on Thursday 2nd March.
What are your favourite books? Why do you enjoy this book?
Why should we choose it for our classroom door?
Bring a favourite book to share on Monday please.
We looked at the experiences and outcomes for our new topic. From these we thought our topic could be called Magnets, Magnet Science or Magnetic Technology. Wow! That sounds like fun.
What we think we know:
(maybe we’ll change this as we learn)
Adam & Callum: Magnets stick to metal.
Rachael: Magnets can stick to metal.
Paddy: Magnets only stick to metal.
Dawa: If you put a magnet on top of another magnet it will move.
Benny: Magnets come in all shapes and sizes.
Emily: magnets have metal at the bottom to help it stick to metal.
Andrew: They stick together.
Aimee: Magnets don’t stick to beds.
Kayla: If you turn a magnet around they will not stick.
Our questions:
Cody – How do magnets make things stick?
Rachael – How do magnets work?
Sam – How do magnets stick together?
Ruaridh – Do magnets stick to copper?
Callum – What is the force?
Aimee & Joseph – How do magnets get made?
Lucien – Can magnets stick to anything else than metal?
Rana – Why does metal work?
We want to find out:
Lucien: Can you stick magnets to wood?
Callum: How they stick.
Tara: How you make magnets.
Rachael: How do magnets work?
Andrew: How magnets are used.
Experiments we’d like to do:
Benny & Tara: Play with magnets.
Joshua: Get blocks of metal and build a tower. Get some magnets and see what happens.
Emily: Make our own magnets.
Jay: Compare the differences of 2 different magnets by their magnetic force by putting one on top of a table and another on the bottom. Then do it with the other pair of magnets.
Paddy & Callum: see what they stick to.
Mr. Lees kindly made some of his delicious tablet for our Scottish Food Tasting with P3. he made enough for both classes and all the staff. A huge thank you Mr. Lees.
Tara has been very keen to write the recipe on our Blog so that lots of people can make it. You need a grown up to do this as it has boiling sugar in it.
Here is the amazing recipe:
2 lbs of granulated sugar
1 tin of condensed milk
1/4 lb butter
1/4 pint of milk
1/4 pint of water
vanilla essence
What to do:
First put the sugar in a large thick based pan.
Next add 1/4 pint of boiling water and stir until all the sugar is wet and scrape the side of the pan so no sugar burns.
Then put the butter and both milks into another pan and slowly bring this to the boil.
Leave the sugar to dissolve and boil until it reaches 110 C or above.
Now turn the sugar to low and add the milk and butter mixture a little at a time and keep stirring.
Then turn up the heat a little at a time and keep stirring until it is
114 C.
Then add the vanilla and stir it for another few minute s until the mixture reaches 118 C.
Finally turn the heat off but keep stirring until it thickens more (about 5 or 6 minutes)
Pour it into a greased tin and allow to cool.
Then score it into squares.
We learned:
Rachael – Cows have passports! It’s to control diseases.
Tara – The cows get milked 3 times a day.
Jay: Cows eat more than 40kg of food every day!
Cody – Brussel sprouts grow in winter. The big new tractor has a heater and a cab for shelter. Mary had to wear a cap and thick gloves because her tractor didn’t have a cab.
Ruaridh – new tractors have a weight on the front so that they don’t tip.
Joshua – the old tractor (made in 1964) couldn’t go out in the dark because it doesn’t have any lights.
Alfie – Cows produce 30 litres of milk a day – that’s a lot of milk!
Joseph – Silage smells disgusting but cows and sheep love it. It’s like pickled grass.
Callum – Sheep have coloured marks. If they go to another farm the farmer will look at the mark and know if it is their sheep.
Dawa – Sheep get coloured dots on their back to say if they are having twins or triplets.