All posts by Mrs Smith

Happy Holidays P6

Today marks the end of our school year and the last day that we have you all as our P6 class.

We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you and have loved watching you grow and develop, ready for the challenges and fun of Primary 7.

We hope that you all have a lovely summer holiday and that you have lots of fun (fingers crossed for lots of sunshine!)

Take care.

Lots of love

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Scott and Mrs Smith

The story of one sloth traveling holiday funny Vector Image



Hello everyone,

Hope you have all had a super weekend and that none of you got caught in the rain yesterday like I did!

Last weeks assembly focussed on ‘Staying Connected’. Mrs Scott, Mrs Harrison and myself have been video calling and chatting on the phone each week.

We also sent an email out to everyone last week so if you haven’t seen it yet pop onto your GLOW emails or if you have forgotten your login in details let us know and we can get these to you.

How are you staying connected with your family and friends? Let us know by replying to this post.

We are missing you all and looking forward to seeing what you produce in response to our new learning, which is now on the blog.

Have a lovely week everyone and enjoy the new learning 🙂


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Welcome Back!

It is great to be back after the Easter holidays. We have all had a lovely time off and enjoyed spending time with our families.

We hope that you all have had a super holiday and are ready for more home learning challenges this block. We can’t wait to see what you come up with… last blocks home learning was excellent.

Remember you can email us if you need any help and you can share your learning with us all on our P6 teams page.

Take care and remember to get outside and enjoy the sunny weather.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Scott and Mrs Smith


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The Great Scottish Parliament Visit

Today we had a visit from Iain Clark who works for the Scottish Parliament. We had a great morning learning about how the parliament works. Here are some of the things we were learning about…


Alfie- The difference between government and the parliament.

Lewis- The different parliaments and assemblies that formed in 1999.

Tom- The different Scottish parties.

Murray- This year the Welsh Assembly will become a parliament.

Angus- What an individual candidate was.

Zak- When there is a draw between voting on laws the Presiding Officer must say no to the passing of the law.

Robert- About devolution and how in 1999 the powers were split across the UK.

Lauren- The assembly has to ask the UK parliament if they want to put a rule in place.

Jack- Since there are so many people in London they have their own assembly but their focus is on finance, policing and transport.

Elise- A 1/3 of Scottish budget goes on to health services.

Connor- 8 MSPs can help us in the Borders to tackle issues that matter to us.

William- The most important person in parliament is called the presiding officer. He is called Ken MacIntosh.

Jess- The Scottish Parliament have a budget of 42 billion.