P7A Review of the week 4.12.20

Well, it’s a very snowy Kingsland today and what a view from our window! We’ve had a lot of fun this week designing, creating and decorating our classroom entrance.  We’ve also made some beautiful cards for the Royal Voluntary Service to include in special hampers for older people in our area.  Of course, we’ve also continued to work really hard as well, improving our understanding of Fractions and developing our analytical skills in Reading.

1) What did you enjoy most this week?

2) What was your proudest moment?

3) Which charity would you like to research next week?

19 thoughts on “P7A Review of the week 4.12.20”

  1. 1) I enjoyed making our gingerbread house door

    2) My proudest moment was when I got all my fraction questions right

    3) I would like to research Cancer Research

  2. 1. I enjoyed doing the door art- I did the baubles!
    2. I struggled at first with the fractions using the vemo video maths, but now I get it!
    3. ???

  3. I enjoyed most making the door

    My proudest moment is how great the door looks.

    I would like to research about children in need

  4. I have loved all of this week
    When me and Erin measured the roof for our gingerbread house and then we did not think it would work but then it fitted
    Brain Tumour Research

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