P7A Review of the week 23.10.20

This week we have been learning about:

  • Decimals – multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 and multiples of these
  • Scale Drawing
  • Spelling using other patterns to spell the long /i/ sound
  • The different features of an Information Report
  • Effective Note taking
  • Building Resilience – Be kind to others (Skipper)
  • Basketball in PE

We also had Music with Mrs Inglis for the first time this session.  We got to use the Garage Band app on our iPads.

17 thoughts on “P7A Review of the week 23.10.20”

  1. I had a great week the first week back from the holidays. I’m proud of learning how to multiply decimals by 10,100 and 1000.
    Overall a great week back from the holidays.

  2. I enjoyed music because I learned lots on how to use Garage Band.
    I am proud of the spelling that we did today because I think I did well.
    I enjoyed PE doing basketball with Mrs Fletcher

  3. My favourite thing this week was music with Mrs Inglis

    I found challenging the decimals

    I loved doing basketball with Mrs Flecter

  4. I have found this week great fun. I enjoyed music this week because it was the first week we have had music since we are back.

  5. My favourite thing that we did this week is when we done The GarageBand Music with Mrs Inglis I had lots of fun trying new things With Mrs Inglis.

  6. I have really enjoyed doing the information report writing that we done on Kingsland.
    I also thought that the first music block with Mrs Inglis.
    And I really enjoyed the Basketball that we done in P.E with Mrs Fletcher.
    I really enjoyed this week and I hope there is more like this soon to come!!!!!

  7. This week was ok. My favourite thing was garage band with mrs Ingils because I like making my own song and also liked the drums.I aslo liked maths with the scale. I liked the game with the spelling words

  8. I have really enjoyed Basketball at PE With Mrs Fletcher And I also enjoyed music With Mrs Inglis

    I found maths challenging

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