Mr. Lees Amazing Scottish tablet recipe

Mr. Lees kindly made some of his delicious tablet for our Scottish Food Tasting with P3. he made enough for both classes and all the staff. A huge thank you Mr. Lees.

Tara has been very keen to write the recipe on our Blog so that lots of people can make it. You need a grown up to do this as it has boiling sugar in it.

Here is the amazing recipe:


2 lbs of granulated sugar

1 tin of condensed milk

1/4 lb butter

1/4 pint of milk

1/4 pint of water

vanilla essence

What to do:

First put the sugar in a large thick based pan.

Next add 1/4 pint of boiling water and stir until all the sugar is wet and  scrape the side of the pan so no sugar burns.

Then put the butter and both milks into another pan and slowly bring this to the boil.

Leave the sugar to dissolve and boil until it reaches 110 C or above.

Now turn the sugar to low and add the milk and butter mixture a little at a time and keep stirring.

Then turn up the heat a little at a time and keep stirring until it is

114 C.

Then add the vanilla and stir it for another few minute s until the mixture reaches 118 C.

Finally turn the heat off but keep stirring until it thickens more (about 5 or 6 minutes)

Pour it into a greased tin and allow to cool.

Then score it into squares.


Visit from RHET farmers

We learned:

Rachael – Cows have passports!    It’s to control diseases.

Tara – The cows get milked 3 times a day.

Jay:  Cows eat more than 40kg of food every day!

Cody – Brussel sprouts grow in winter. The big new tractor has a heater and a cab for shelter. Mary had to wear a cap and thick gloves because her tractor didn’t have a cab.

Ruaridh – new tractors have a weight on the front so that they don’t tip.

Joshua – the old tractor (made in 1964) couldn’t go out in the dark because it doesn’t have any lights.

Alfie – Cows produce 30 litres of milk a day – that’s a lot of milk!

Joseph – Silage smells disgusting but cows and sheep love it. It’s like pickled grass.

Callum – Sheep have coloured marks. If they go to another farm the farmer will look at the mark and know if it is their sheep.

Dawa – Sheep get coloured dots on their back to say if they are having twins or triplets.




Food and Farming posters

Look closely at our posters; what have we learned about Scottish food and the agriculture that produces it for us every day? Keep watching – more posters will be added.

Our topic didn’t have a name. We kept looking at the experiences and outcomes we were focussing on to take our learning forward. When we looked back at our learning we came up with the name Food and Farming. Perfect!

Tesco help us learn where our food comes from and much more


Pauline and Nicole from Tesco brought lots of foods for us to look at and to taste.

What did you taste?

mint leaves, pineapple and grapes – Alfie, Tara, Rachael

Where did the foods come from?

Spain,  Chile, South Africa,  Scotland – East Lothian, UK – Kent, Israel, Namibia – Cody, jay, Tara, Rachael, Alfie

How many cubes of sugar are in a can of Irn Bru?

9 cubes of sugar – Jay, Rachael

What did you learn from this experience?

Tara – Where my food comes from. Some foods travel a long way.

Cody – You should only have 4 cubes of sugar in a day if you are 7 or 8 years old. That’s less than 1 can of fizzy!

Alfie – how food gets farmed.

Thank you Pauline and Nicole



We made awesome cranachan

We made delicious Scottish cranachan (without the whisky)  for pudding at our Scottish Food tasting with P3.

It’s an easy but delicious desert. Toast the oats in a pan. Whip the cream, add honey and the toasted oats. Gently mix in raspberries. Chill. Serve with Scottish shortbread.


Finding the main idea when reading

We have been learning about the main idea. What helps us find the main idea? We look at the first sentence and last and the title in the  book.

by Rachael, Callum

Who else was in the group?

Callum, Joseph and Alfie have impressed us by finding the main idea of books at home and bringing this in to share with us. Fantastic !