P3 Nativity song words

Our nativity this year is Born in a Barn. P1 – 3 have started to learn the songs with Mrs. Inglis. Many pupils already know lots of words of these catchy songs. Here are the song words to help you learn them.

Song 1. SHH, DON’T WAKE THE BABY – (All)

Birds = Verse 1

I can waddle and quack, nibble and coo,

Flap my wings or tu-whit tu-whoo.

I can waddle and quack, You can too,


Or cock-a-doodle-doo!


CHORUS:        There’s a baby in our stable now,

Shh, shh… don’t wake the baby.


Cows = Verse 2

I can swish my tail, chomp and chew,

Huff and puff and moo, moo, moo.

I can swish my tail, You can too,


Or cock-a-doodle-doo!




Cats – Verse 3

I can twitch my nose, purr and miaow,

Arch my back, I’ll show you how.

I can twitch my nose, You can too,


Or cock-a-doodle-doo!




Pigs – Verse 4

I can grunt and snort, snuffle and sniff ,

Wiggle my ears, just like this.

I can grunt and snort, you can too,


Or cock-a-doodle-doo!




Sheep – Verse 5

I can bleat and baa, shake my fleece,

Crunch and munch and stamp my feet.

I can bleat and baa, You can too,


Or cock-a-doodle-doo!



Song 2. IT’S A LONG WAY ON A DONKEY (All except small solo part)



CHORUS:        It’s a long way on a donkey,

It’s a long way to go,

It’s a long way on a donkey,

It’s a long and winding road.


Verse 1

I come from a town called Nazareth

In a place called Galilee.

I work for Joseph the carpenter

And his lovely wife, Mary.




Verse 2

One day Joseph said to me

“My wife will have God’s son,

Mary will have this special child,

The holy, chosen one”.




Verse 3

I carried the King to Bethlehem,

Jesus the chosen one.

I carried the King to Bethlehem,

Jesus Christ, God’s Son.



Song 3. DON’T WORRY MARY (All angels)


Don’t worry Mary

You’re the special one,

Don’t worry Mary

You will have God’s son,

Don’t worry Mary

He will be a king,

Don’t worry Mary

Hear the angels sing.



CHORUS:        Mary, Mary,

We will look after you,

Mary, Mary,

God has chosen you.


Instrumental (Angels’ dance)




Don’t worry Mary

You’re the special one,

Don’t worry Mary

You will have God’s son,

Don’t worry Mary

He will be a king,

Don’t worry Mary

Hear the angels sing.




Song 4. NO ROOM, NO ROOM (P1 – Only)

Verse 1

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

There’s somebody at the door.

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

No room for any more.



CHORUS:        No room, no room,

We’re full up,

No room, no room,

Bad luck!


Verse 2

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

A traveller needs some sleep.

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

No room here since last week!




Verse 3

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Mary needs some sleep.

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

There’s a stable going cheap.



Song 5. WAKE UP SHEPHERDS! (P2 Only)


CHORUS:        Wake up shepherds,

Jump to your feet,

Wake up shepherds,

Move to the beat,

Wake up shepherds,

Jump to your feet,

Wake up and shake up shepherds.


Verse 1

Out in the fields the sky shone bright,

Glory to God, a heavenly sight.

Out in the fields the sky shone bright,

Glory to God,

It gave us quite a fright!




Verse 2

Pack up your bags and make your way,

You’ll fi nd the King asleep on the hay.

Pack up your bags and make your way

To the King of the world,

Born today!





Verse 1

We may have knobbly knees,

Nostrils that flare

And peculiar humps on our back.

We might snuffle and spit,

Gurgle and hiss,

When we feel that we’re under attack!


Verse 2

We may flutter our eyes,

Pretend that we’re wise

And flash you a wonderful smile.

We might nibble and chew

For a moment or two,

Or lie in the sand for a while.


CHORUS:        We are camels, 1-2-3,

We followed the star,

We are camels, 3-2-1,

When you’ve got camels,

Who needs a car?

Repeat verses 1 & 2


CHORUS:        We are camels, 1-2-3,

We followed the star,

We are camels, 3-2-1,

When you’ve got camels,

Who needs a car?

When you’ve got camels,

Who needs a car?


Song 7. A star, a stable and me – (P3)


Verse 1

He didn’t choose to use a princess

Or a knight in shining armour

He didn’t use a guard of honour

A banquet or a castle


CHORUS:        But he chose me….

                        A star, a stable and me

                        All we had to do was be available.

Yes he chose me….

                        A star, a stable and me

                        All we had to do was be available.


Verse 2

He didn’t choose to use a mansion

A stately home or palace.

He didn’t use a crown of splendour

Or royal robes of colour.





So tonight,

Under the star in this stable with me

Jesus is born

Under the star in this stable with me

Jesus is born

Song 8. BORN IN A BARN (All)


CHORUS:        Born in a barn,

A Bethlehem barn,

A beautiful baby boy.

Born in a barn,

A Bethlehem barn,

A bundle of Christmas joy!

Verse 1

The cows started mooing,

The doves started cooing

When Jesus was born in our barn.

The sheep started bleating,

The pigs stopped eating

When Jesus was born in our barn!




Verse 2

The donkey was braying,

The hens were a-laying

When Jesus was born in our barn.

The owls were a-hootin’,

The cocks were doodle-a-doodlin’

When Jesus was born in our barn!




Verse 3

The barn was a-singing,

The cowbells were ringing

When Jesus was born in our barn.

The world was awaking,

A new dawn was breaking

When Jesus was born in our barn!




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