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Tractor Visit

Recently Sandy and Mary brought in their tractors for us to see.  We were very interested to compare the old tractor to the new one.  We couldn’t believe that Mary’s tractor was over 50 years old – that really is old!  Mary can get very cold on her tractor because it has no cab and it has no seat belt to keep her safe.  Sandy is warm and cosy and safe in his cab.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

We enjoyed sharing the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We drew pictures of the story and wrote about what we could see in our pictures.  We acted out the story in our puppet theatre and used construction to build bridges for the goats to cross to the lovely, juicy, green grass.


Planting Seeds

Just like the Little Red Hen planted wheat, we decided to plant too.  We planted chilli and pepper seeds.  We will let you know how we get on.

We also went outside and planted spring bulbs in our school containers.  Look out for them growing.

Baking Bread

Just like the Little Red Hen we baked our own bread.  We weighed out the different ingredients and it was hard work kneading the bread.  Unlike the Little Red Hen we did lots of helping and sharing and we took our bread home and shared it with our families.  It was delicious.  We also baked yummy cup cakes.  

Down on the farm with Mrs Fletcher

Did you know that when Mrs Fletcher is not at school she is working hard on her farm.  She brought us in lots of photographs to show and tell us about the different jobs she has to do on the farm.

We were very interested to hear about and see the new lambs that came earlier than expected.

Look how muddy the farm road is – Mrs Fletcher will definitely need her wellies!

The little red hen

We enjoyed sharing the story of the ‘Little Red Hen’.  We decided to make puppets of the different characters and retell the story to our friends.  We had great fun painting, drawing and making the animals in the story.

Michael down on the farm

Michael had to help farmer Jack on his farm. He told us about the different jobs he had to do. He got to help feed the animals and muck out the stables. He was very excited when farmer Jack let him sit on the tractor. He was amazed at the size of the hay bales in the big  barn.  At the end of the day he was very tired and needed a nice hot bath.