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trimontium visitor

Rob came to talk to us about the Roman fort near Melrose and to show us some of the artefacts that have been found there.  We got to hold a 1800 year old Roman playing piece from a game and also got to try on some replica armour. It was great fun but we decided being a soldier must have been hard work as the armour was very heavy!


Beebots and Bear Hunts!

P4/5 shared their digital skills with ELC recently by helping them learn how to do some simple programming using little robots called Beebots. Linking to the story ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’, P4/5 made some bear costumes for the Beebots and a simple map of some places from the story. The ELC boys and girls then learned how to program the Beebots to get the bear robot back to his cave! The children had to use what they have been learning about positional language and sequencing to plan the bear’s route. Well done everyone!

light – source or reflector?

We carried out some experiments to see which things were sources of light and which were reflectors.  We had to build very dark dens to allow us to carry out our tests so no sunlight was involved.  We discovered that a torch is a source of light but a mirror or a shiny material is a reflector.

Lego driverless cars

We had a great time programming our LEGO driverless cars on Monday.  We had to write code to get the cars to drive across the room, turn round and drive back as quickly as possible. We had to really concentrate and we were using lots of maths and science skills.

Scotland City Leaflets

We have really enjoyed our Scotland mini topic on major Scottish cities. In groups, we were given a Scottish city. We were travel agents and we had to create a name and a logo for our group. We then researched our city to find out about the landmarks and things to do there. We also researched how much budget and luxury hotels cost per night in that city. Then we were given a pretend family and we had to plan a short break in a city that would suit their preferences within a budget. We really enjoyed looking at everyone’s leaflets and calculating how much it would cost to stay in the city. We found that it was tricky to afford everything we wanted to do!


Advent Calendar

Primary 4 have been learning about human rights and diversity. We have been thinking about children who are not as lucky as we are. We had a vote in class to decide if we wanted to buy a Unicef Advent Calendar to help others or if we wanted class games for ourselves. We voted to help others and, every day we open a door and find out what we have bought to help boys and girls around the world. So far, we have bought chalkboards for children to write on, 15 pencils for writing and drawing with, a mosquito net to prevent a family from getting malaria and a vaccine to protect a child against measles.

Maths Game Practice

We have been practising our mental addition skills in class. Practise makes perfect so try these websites at home!


P4 have really enjoyed making their own books to celebrate World Book Day. We worked in pairs to plan our books using a storyboard format. Then we carefully folded A4 paper to create our books before adding our story and pictures. We shared our stories with each other and then had fun doing Mrs Collin’s Book Quiz. 


Primary 4 and 5 had a wonderful visit from Zoolab to finish off their topic on biodiversity.  We met some amazing creatures and found out about their natural habitats and what they liked to eat.