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Home learning

We have almost completed our first week of home learning and I am loving trying out the activities and seeing what you are getting up to. Feel free to email any questions and keep adding to the share your learning page.

Hi from Mrs Belleville

Hi everyone. Hope you’ve enjoyed your first day of learning at home and that you managed to get outside to enjoy the sunshine too. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all get up to – make sure you post photos on the ‘Share our Learning’ page or drop me an email. Take care

from Mrs B 🙂

Hi from Mrs stevenson

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing ok. I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with the fun activities we have put on the blog. Please keep in touch and send me some pictures or comments either on the blog or by email. I am going to have a go at the dance mat fractions tomorrow – I will let you know how I get on!

Mrs Stevenson

Maths Games

Here are some maths games to help you practice the skills we’ve been working on in class. Have fun 🙂 – choose times tables – choose Level 2 then multiplication. You can focus on one table or mixed tables. – choose multiplication and type in the answers to the questions

Cuisenaire rods

We have been using the Cuisenaire rods to help with our division in maths but we also figured out lots of other things they could help us with.  We showed number bonds to 10 and 20, number stories (ways to show a number eg 4 and be 2+2, 3+1 etc), the 2 times table and lots more.

P4 Museum Trip

On Wednesday 11th March, P4 went to the National Museum of Scotland with P4/5.  We travelled there on a big 70 seater coach. It was fun. When we got there, we started in the Roman section. We searched for different things,  saw Roman coins, armour and we got to dress up like a Roman. After lunch, we spent time in the science section and got to try lots of different activities. We also spent time in the animal kingdom section where we saw a dinosaur skeleton, an elephant and an arctic fox. We had a brilliant time!

museum trip

On Wednesday 11th March we visited the National museum in Edinburgh.  We started off visiting the science zone where we had great fun exploring and experimenting.  We then went to see the animals before having a break for lunch. In the afternoon we went to see the Roman artefacts and had a great time hunting for various objects including sandals, swords and some Roman coins.

World book day

P4/5 had a fantastic time transforming the classroom door into the book Demon Dentist. We were especially excited to see that David Walliams had liked and shared the picture on his twitter feed!

World Book Day Door


P4 have really enjoyed decorating their door to celebrate World Book Day. We had lots of ideas but, after a vote, we chose Harry Potter. We discussed all the different things we wanted to include in our door then we used lolly sticks to decide who would be responsible for each part of the door. We are very proud of how well we worked together to create our door and we think it looks fantastic! We are looking forward to going on a tour of the school today to see everyone else’s decorated doors.