All posts by Mrs Brown

Week Review – 24.8.20

We have been focusing on Skipper and the river of life. We created individual boats for our class river. This term we will be focusing on the skills of looking on the bright side when things get tough. We also created our positive mindset display to help us when we face challenges in school.

This week we have also enjoyed:

  • Creating dream catchers and thinking about our dreams for the future.
  • Designing our boats for the river of life.
  • P.E. We were learning to run effectively.
  • Maths. We learned to partition large numbers and then add and subtract multiples of 10.
  • Creating posters which show different types of germs and how to stop the spread.
  • Maths. We learned about the different types of triangles and created a poster to show this.

Week Review 21.8.20

Our class novel is Max and the Millions. We have been working on creating different perspectives when we draw. This is a self portrait from the perspective of Luke. (He is one of the millions in our story.)

We have also enjoyed:

-Our first session of P.E. with Mrs Fletcher

-Making leaves to add to our “Tou-can” do it display

-Having fun in our classroom

-Our first music lesson with Mrs Inglis. We learned about rhythm and beat.

-Writing descriptions about characters in our novel.

-We started perspective skyscraper artwork. Lookout for examples next week.

-Watching our first virtual assembly.

-Learning about the properties of 2D shapes and place value in large numbers.


First Week Back P6/5

This week we settled into class well. Many of us were very tired by Friday.

This week we enjoyed:

-Playing maths games on place value

-Making our own personalised bunting

-Reading our class novel, “Max and the millions.”

-Watching news round each day

-Meeting our new teacher

-Drawing Toucans in art using a “how to draw” video

-Painting our rainbows for our classroom entrance. We are trying to be rainbows in other people’s clouds.

-Writing stories in our choosing time

-Learning how to use British sign language

-Playing NOGGLE and BOGGLE

We are looking forward to coming back next week!