All posts by Mrs Smith

How a parachute works…

Today we tested our parachutes that we made last week. The size of each parachute varied but everything else was kept the same. We wanted to know how air resistance would work on each parachute and whether size mattered.

We thought the bigger parachutes would be slower as there was more air resistance working on the surface area and we thought the tiny parachutes would go fast.

We found that the tiny parachutes were faster because there was less air resistance. However we found that the bigger parachutes didn’t open the same as the others and therefore the surface area was smaller and that made it not fall as slowly. The best parachutes were the middle range because they opened up and allowed for the air resistance to act.

Take a look at our videos below…

P7/6 Weekly Update…

This week we have been very busy…

  • We learned about place value and 2D shapes. We made shape pictures and described these using their properties. Our partners had to draw these on their IPads and see if they had followed the instructions correctly.
  • We also learned about the Paralympic games and have made a poster with key features about these. We now know that the Paralympic was established in 1948 and now it features athletes from all around the world.
  • Today we learned about Pablo Picasso and Cubism. Cubism is a form of art where the an object or person is painted from different angles on one picture. Did you know that Picasso’s most expensive painting was over £150 million?!
  • In science we have been talking about friction which is when two surfaces rub together to create a force. We tested cars on different materials to talk about the impact of friction and also air resistance as we made parachutes.
  • We started our Skipper lessons and designed boats for our wall display.

What was your favourite thing and why?


P7/6 Week Review 27.8.21

What a fantastic few weeks we have had. Everyone has settled into the new classroom routines and giving their all to the work in class.

Last week we spent time organising the classroom to suit our needs and we build shelves to house our books and also to provide us with a comfy seating area. We have also added a resilience station which we can access upon finishing our activities where we are given opportunities to focus on skills such as perseverance and team work.

We took part in some group work activities and had to design something to stop Humpty Dumpty (an egg) from cracking when dropped from a height. Mrs Smith was very impressed as not one egg was damaged even when we dropped them from an even higher height.

This week we have been focussing on the novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ and we have thoroughly enjoyed reading chapters 1-6. We started our novel study by looking at the different front covers for the book and then making predictions about what we think will happen in the story. We have also been answering questions about the main characters and what they are like and also creating a picture based on the author’s word choice.

We have started our learning on place value and we have been competing against each other to create the biggest or smallest numbers from different digits.

We created a wonderful door display with our names in graffiti writing on top of a crumbling wall. We have had lots of compliments from others pupils and teachers about our display.

Well done P7/6- keep up the hard work.
Comment below with your thoughts on the week:
1.What are you most proud of this week?
2.What did you find most challenging?
3.What do you want to learn more about and why?

Crazy Cress Heads

On Wednesday we made these INCREDIBLE cress heads reusing tights. We added soil and cress seeds and we made hilarious faces by pinching the tights to make noses  and sticking on Googly eyes. Some of us even made ears!! We’re excited  to watch them grow.


By Willow, Amber, Amber, Hughie, Jacob and John


In coding we learned  how each new coding input could change everything in the code. If you did something wrong in the code it wouldn’t work and your code would be unsuccessful.
We also focussed on coding in time to music. This was quite tricky as we had to think about the beats as well as the speed of the music.
By Oscar, Thomas, Riley and Thomas

Anti-Litter Campaigns

 We used our knowledge of collage to create some artwork based on a campaign to stop littering. We did it to stop people from littering and dropping rubbish. It was so much fun. Next week we are putting slogans on them.

By Nancy and Thomas

THE TRUE STORY of the ‘Three Little Pigs’

We looked at the true story of the three little pigs.

Alexander T wolf (you would know as the big bad wolf) was mistaken for the bad guy.

We looked at the text to find words/ sentences that made us sympathise for the wolf. He was mistaken for blowing on purpose the little pigs house down but really he just had a cold and wanted some sugar for his granny’s birthday cake.

We also learned about rhetorical questions and what these were.

Do you believe the Big Bad Wolf?

The story is a attached below.

By Tilly and Hope



The week we learned about things that are biodegradable. We were shocked at how long things took to decompose into the ground!

Did you know that a glass bottle takes 1 million years to biodegrade?!

By Thomas & Willow