Expressive Arts with Miss Doyle

This term I will be working with P1-3 and P7b. I will be working with each class once per week and our focus will be expressive arts and modern languages.

Expressive Arts

This term for expressive arts, our focus will be dance. Each stage will be focusing on a different theme throughout the term. Each week we will be working to develop a range of different skills related to dance in order to choreograph a dance routine.

Modern Languages

This term in modern languages, P1-3 will be learning French and P7b will be learning Spanish.

  • Primaries 1 and 2 will be learning French through songs and play as part of the ‘Learning French with Camembear’ program.
  • Primary 3 will be learning about greetings, feelings, colours and discussing likes/dislikes. We will be doing this through active learning, songs and games.
  • Primary 7b will be learning Spanish. We will be focusing on greetings, discussing how we feel, colours and numbers 1-20. We will be doing this through active learning, songs and games.

Follow our learning journey on X (@MissDoyleNPS)

Inverclyde Council

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