Numeracy and Maths
Mathematics provides more than opportunities to calculate, it enables information to be handled and communicated and problems to be solved. Mathematics is used in all aspects of everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us. All children are encouraged to be able to explain their learning and build s strong number sense.
Furthermore children need to be confident and competent in their numeracy skills to be able to function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society.
The mathematics outcomes in A Curriculum for Excellence are outlined within the following organisers:
Number, money measure
➢ Basic number processes
➢ Measure
➢ Patterns and Relationships

Shape, position and movement
➢Properties of 2D and 3D objects
➢ Angle, Symmetry and Transformation
Information Handling
➢ Data and Analysis
➢ Ideas of Chance and Uncertainty
➢ Mental Maths is a feature at all stages of the school.