Role of the Parent Action Group
Parents and Carers play a very important role in the life and work of Newark Primary. We ask for and receive great support from our parents; from ensuring that homework is completed regularly and attending Parents’ Evenings to coming along to support children in their class assemblies and the myriad of additional events in which our children are involved. Our Parent Action Fund Raising Group organise Discos for the children and fund-raising events include Christmas Fair, ‘Bags to School’ collections, Mobile Phone recycling, Bingo Nights etc.
Newark Primary Parent Action Group (PAG)
The Parent Council, as a statutory body, has the right to information and advice on matters which affect children’s education. Newark Primary Parent Council meets in the school, normally the first Wednesday evening in the month at 6.30 PM.
Our Parent action group at Newark Primary aims to help parents to be:
- Involved with their child’s education and learning
- Welcomed as an active participant in the life of the school
- Encouraged to express their views on school education generally
The PAG are kept involved in many different aspects of school education, activities and related topics, below are the main reasons why we have a council at Newark Primary and what we try to achieve:
- Parents are important and make a real difference to children’s learning – when parents are involved children and young people do better and achieve more.
- To work together with everyone involved in school life – parents, learners, teachers, school staff and the wider community – to support the school.
- To make sure that all parents have a say in their children’s education – and are able to express their views and wishes.
- To build links and involve parents with the wider learning community – nurseries and pre-school groups, other schools and services.
- To listen to what parents want the PAG to do and report back to the Parent Forum on your activities and how they can get involved.
Why not get involved! Come along to one of our meetings and follow the parent action group on Twitter @PAGNewark